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"And you're sure you're going to be okay?" My mom asked for the millionth time.

"Yes mom, I will be fine." I smiled, today was the day I was going off to college, Stanford University to be exact.

"Oh Beth, I am going to miss you so much! My little girl has finally grown up!" She sighed, tearing up.

"Mom... I'm nineteen. Trust me, I know how to take care of myself. Stop worrying!"

"Oh, I know.. I'm just going to miss you so much!" She sobbed, engulfing me in a hug.

"So will I." My dad said, hugging my mom and I.

"Guys.. People are staring!" I hissed. I just really wanted to go to my new room, meet my roomate, then have a nice, long nap.

"I don't care if the whole world is staring, my daugter is ging off to college, and I will barely get to see you. So I will hug you for as long as I want." My dad smiled with tears in his eyes.

"Come say goodbye to your sister!" My mom shouted, earning groans and moans from my little brothers, jumping out of the car for the third time.


I dropped my bags in front of my new bed an looked around my dorm. It was a nice room, not too small, and at the same time not too big.

Except one thing.

I looked over to the other side of the room and saw a poster on the wall.

"What the hell.."

It was a nun, completely white with black eyes and what looked like black tears? I'm not sure. Under the thing read in a weird font, the word ASYLUM.

That's creepy.

"Bethany?" A voice said from behind me, making me practically jump out of my skin. (Not really, just a little bit.)

"Oh gosh, you scared me," I breathed, putting a hand on my chest. "Yes I'm. Bethany, but just call me Beth. Are you my roommate? Um..-"

"Ashley. Yeah, I'm your roommate. Sorry if I startled you."

"It's fine. Um.. What's that?" I said, pointing to the weird ass poster on the wall.

"Ugh. She bothers me so much," Ashley sighed, walking over to the poster and taking it down. "My friend, Kenzie, knows that this creeps me out, so she always puts them around my room. It's also on my disc," she said, holding up an American Horror Story- Asylum DVD set, "Its a TV show. It's weird, but it's interesting. I don't know. This picture just bothers me."

"Oh.. How lovely."

"So, you probably don't know anyone here, why don't I go introduce you to everyone?" Ashley questioned. Elbow in hand, pointing to the window where everyone was walking outside.



"So, what classes are you taking? I'm taking psychology, and film. Or photography, whatever it's called. I'm pretty sure it's film."

"Good, I'm also taking psychology! Glad I won't be alone. Is that your first class?"

"Yeah, it starts at 8:15."

I hate early classes.

"Beth, this is Sam. She is a film major, like us!" Ashley clapped. I looked at Sam, she was tall. Maybe that's because she was wearing heels. She had long, obviously died, blonde hair. It didn't look real. Her eyes were a blue-green color, they were gorgeous. She was also skinny.

"Hi." She smiled, she also had extremely white, and perfectly straight teeth.

"Hello." I said back.

I guess I was jealous, not really, but I was.

"When do you have your film class?" She questioned. By her accent I could easily tell that she was Australian.

"Twelve I think?"

"Oh, that sucks. I have mine at 1:30."

Was I glad I didn't have any classes with her?

I don't know. She seemed like a nice girl, but she also seems like one of those girls you would catch having sex with your boyfriend in the janitors closet.

"Who's that?" I questioned, pointing to a brunette boy surrounded by many girls from across the room.

"Him? That's Louis Tomlinson. One of the biggest frat boys on campus. He's such a player, I'd stay away from him if I were you. All he causes is trouble."

"Oh god, he's looking over here. Ashley, what do I do?" I said, frantically looking back and forth from my roommate and the brown haired boy.

"Just don't look him in the eyes. One look. That's all it takes, one look in the eyes and there is no way out. That boy will get you in bed faster than you can blink."

The worst part?

We made eye contact.



So this is my first frat book... Tell me if you like it.

Please tell your friends about this book? Maybe? I want to have a lot of reads. :-)

Well.. Everyone can dream.

Aha #foreversad {did I really just use a hashtag on wattpad?}

Let's pretend I didn't.

Vote, Comment, Fan!

Please tell me if I spelled anything wrong so I can fix it!

Thank you so much!!


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