Chapter 1

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Annie's POV

"Caleb go downstairs i'm going to film" i told him "UGH" he said as he trotted downstairs to his messy room. I turn on the camera "hey guys! Today i'm getting ready to go to gym and we have our Christmas party after i'm SO EXCITED!!" I turn off the camera and Caleb starts to walk back upstairs when Hayley ran down the stairs screaming "I WANNA FILM I WANNA FILM" "UGH" Caleb said again as he walked downstairs to his room. "Hey everyone it's Hayley! Today i'm having a sleepover with Alexa and i don't have school today since its parent-teacher conferences" Hayley said to the camera "yeah which i have to go to" my mom whined as she grabbed the camera from Hayley's tiny hands. We filmed a little more then turned off the camera. "CALEB WE'RE DONE!!" I yelled and he came running upstairs and sat down to eat his pancakes. Yeah you're probably confused. Its true...we lied and we have been lying a lot the past year.. I hate lying but its what Caleb wanted. Basically a year ago Caleb told us he didn't wanna be in the vlogs anymore. I thought ok we just won't film him but my mom and dad freaked out and posted on Instagram THAT HE DIED! I thought it was too far. Now Caleb can't do anything he just sits at home, no baseball, no movies, no games and no vacations. It's sad and i can tell he hates it but what i hate even more is lying to over 3,000,000 people...

Caleb's POV

Ok i'm not dead and i miss being in vlogs, i lost everything the day i told my parents I didn't wanna be in them anymore. I regret it so much. Everyone thinks i'm dead friends, fans, even family excluding my parents, Annie and Hayley. I guess people have been noticing things lately so i have to be extra careful like instead of just standing behind the camera i have to leave the room and it sucks. I don't understand why my parents would do this. They all have there lock screen as me, they got necklaces with my thumbprint on it and they even had a FAKE CEREMONY AND WENT LIVE. I want to tell the world but i can' would just be to horrible and our family would have to flee the country or something. But out of all the days of hiding, sneaking around today was the worst. I walk upstairs when i see Sydney and Luke. Sydney looks right at me, my eyes went wide as i ran down the stairs but tripped. I got up and ran outside and hid behind the dock, i could feel someone chasing me. She knew. Sydney knew and we were screwed...
Omg ok so no this story is 100% fake Caleb is not alive (sadly) so don't assume things lol. Anyways what do you think will happen next??💜

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