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The cold air seeps in through the tiny cracks in my window pane and flows over my pale skin. Morning. The wind whistles through the trees and I know, it's time to wake up and face them again. My classmates are not the best and none are quite like me, I'm different. I have no powers, no supernatural things, nothing. I'm just a girl who no one quite understands. I try to fit in, but then again, why should I try? There's nothing to gain if I did. I have no friends, no one to talk to, no one to call. No one's quite like me, but I think we should keep it that way.

I get up finally and look around. The same old room, same old furniture, same old stillness in the air. Nothing has changed. I pull on my dusty uniform and clunky Mary Janes and head for the bathroom. I look in the mirror, same old sunken face. I put some makeup on and brush my long, brown hair. I turn off my lights, skip breakfast like I do, and head for my door. I stand there with my ugly backpack that's falling apart and my jacket that I never want to wear. I whisper to myself,"Come on Aeowyn, you can make it through. It's only eight hours." The bus comes screeching around the corner and I know, it's time.

I step out, into the thin street, Calahan Street and brace myself. I place one foot on the steps into the bus... no going back now. I push off the road into the bus and into the backseat. I always used to sit in the middle seats because I knew when to get off for my stop, but soon I wanted to sit in the back because it was what the cool kids were doing. I would walk into the back and just look at them and everyone would say, "Look guys it's the weird girl, I bet she's gonna put some stupid spell on us. Ooo scary." And I would just stare. Slowly the backseats would start to empty as kids slowly pushed past me and threw some elbows in my side. They're so ignorant, not knowing I've killed them millions of times in my dreams and won every argument we ever had. I just close my eyes and grin, and I have all the power in the world.

I imagine them, in a sea of blood, surrounded by their loved ones crying on the shore, as I lock them in a heavy metal cage and let them sink. I hold the rusty lock and key and I turn it to the right. I let it go as it clinks on the bars of the cage. I push the cage into the blood and I just smile. My evil thoughts corrupt me, so I lessen their sentence. Maybe this time they're walking aimlessly through a forest, each one with their own path, leading straight into my traps. A glow of light leads each one to the same pit. They stumble and fall into the dark abyss and lose the world from under their feet. Their bones break, loosen, and bleed. I smile to myself, knowing that I'm wrong, but so right. They deserve all they can get, and I'm here to make it all worse. Although, sadly those are just dreams I wish would come true, but I do not have such power.

I walk into the classroom. There they are, the popular kids, the nerds, the jocks, the goths, and me, the outcast. I'm okay with it though. It gives me time to think, time to write my stories, and time to kill whoever dares to talk to me in my mind. The work is fairly easy, but the constant company of people is what throws me over the edge. I'm just... I'm different. I love no one. No one in this place at least. I never will. I'm asexual. I am only accustomed to my only love, James. He lives in my heart, mind and soul. He breathes when I breathe and speaks when I do. He loves me and I love him, forever and ever. I hate people in this world. They're always so cruel to me and shut me out, whereas, James would never dream of doing such things.

I look around, same old classroom, boring teacher, boring notes, long class time, annoying students. Fantastic. Who would ever dream of putting their kid in such a horrible institution? They must be some sick, twisted people.

I sit there, in my rickety old chair and stare out the window. I'm so bored, I forget how to breathe. I gasp for air, but quickly turn it into a light cough to hide my embarrassment. Nice. It's as if I wasn't already an outcast, now I have to humiliate myself even more. I just kinda smile lightly as some kids turn to face the one girl who dares to cough in their presence. "Sorry." I mutter. Maybe they'll forget I exist if I'm more quiet. I close my mouth and quietly breathe out of my nose. The soft breaths I take are calming, almost like a little rabbit in the winter snow, sleeping as it's little nose trembles. I imagine myself in a snowy forest surrounded with skeleton trees and evergreens in every which direction. The snow is lightly falling as I slowly walk through the forest. There is a light sound of music coming from the West. I look over to my left and continue walking, right towards the music, getting closer and closer. I can almost hear words. An angel, singing to me. It says my name, "Aeowyn" it calls. It starts to get louder... "AEOWYN, please stop staring out the window and pay attention!" My teacher, Ms. Antonia.

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