"The girl at the station"

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She is here again with that same beautiful blue dress and that same kind and warm smile plastered on her face. She is humming to the same beautiful tune as she always does as she waits for her bus , my bus comes before hers so I still don't know where she lives, I don't even know her name but I have still fallen for her , it was love at first sight.
Today is the day I will finally talk to her , after two days of mustering up the courage to speak to her , I am finally going to talk to her.
There was currently only three people waiting for the bus  me , her and another man , after few seconds I finally walked towards her and spoke my first words.
Narrator : Hello.
Dam it ! I am so nervous, I sounded like a damed duck.
The girl : ( humming)
Huh maybe she didn't heard me , lets try again
Narrator : Hello!
The girl:(still humming).
I think she is ignoring me , maybe I shouldn't bother her.
The other man : excuse me sir but who are you talking to?
Narrator : I am talking to this girl , well was.
The other man : sir are you crazy or something, there is no one in this station except you and me.
Narrator: Are you blind or something can't you see the girl here.
The other man : sir you are the one that is blind , there is no one there.
Narrator: excuse me!
That's when the bus arrived,  my bus but I didn't went inside , the other man did but I didn't , I waited because I wanted to know .
Is this some kind of prank.
Did the man tried to fool me and if he  really was not able to see then am I imagining things.
Have I really gone mad?
A few seconds after the departure of the bus I turned around to try to talk to the girl again but she wasn't there she was moving forward while still humming to the same tune without a care in this world and just like that In a few short seconds a car appeared out of nowhere and hit her . I was shocked and it took a second before I started running towards her body ,  I looked towards the car but the car was not there any more and then I looked towards the girls body but she was also not there anymore.
Then I ran towards the station to call the police but then I was completely shocked and paralysed with fear when I reached the station because standing at the station in the same place humming the same tone with the same beautiful dress was non other then the girl.
After that day I searched alot about what might have happened to her and I found out about a girl who killed her self at a bus station after murdering her entire family at the same day and her name was Rosa Montgomery.
I still visit the bus station and I still see her everyday and I also came to the conclusion that she is reliving her death everyday.

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