03| Lights In Shadows

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Chapter One 3

Ariel Stone's P.O.V :

I saw the darkness slowly fade away as the seconds went by. The slightest movement made the flesh on my sore wrist burn -obviously from the thick rope making my hands unmovable. The fabric that is stopping my vision loosened and made my left eye stick out. The sight it saw, just as before, was mostly darkness. However, it was an easy task to see that this was a basement and the memories from last night came to my mind. I've recently been kidnapped.

I did the first that poppet up in my mind. "Help!" I screamed while trying to loosen the rope around my wrist, ignoring the burning sensation that just became worst as I kept going on. "Please! Someone help me! Oh god, Help!"

I was to busy trying to free myself that I didn't notice a man whose face is covered with a black ski mask -just like the guy who captured me.

How long have I been here? Why am I here?

He circled around me, watching me, almost making himself ready for whatever trick he expect me to do. My eyes was held on the ground as them sometimes went to his moving shadow.

"My my, aren't you calm," He asked and I felt his warm fingers lift my chin up. I made a sharp breath enter through my lips because of the ache my neck received considering it have been hanging the whole time I was unconscious.

"What..." I breathed in a deep breath, closing my eyes before opening them again and watched his face. Even though you couldn't see much because of the darkness. "What do you want from me?" I asked calmly but the raspiness was in my voice.

"I'm going to tell you a story," He said before walking over to the door and reaching his hand out switching the a bottom and a lamp lit up.

I blinked a couple time, adjusting my eyes to the sudden light. The masked guy walked over to a chair I didn't notice was there. On the other hand, what have I seen in this big prison-like room.

He pulled the chair over making him sit in front of me. He leaned back propping one leg over his other knee before looking straight at me and began to tell his story.

"Once, a long time ago, was this guy who fell in love with a brown haired and brown eyed girl whose name was Ariel, who also was his best friend. There was this other guy whose name was...well, actually we'll call him..." He stopped making a thinking face before looking back at me again. "We'll name him Bob. Bob was, just as the first guy, in love with Ariel. Who wouldn't be? Her beautiful shiny hair, her sparkly chocolate eyes, her killer body, her...everything," He said scanning every part he mentioned. His hand reached over and stroke my face with his hand before pushing it with a little force away from him. "The first guy had sadly to leave his precious girl and leave her with Bob. The thought made him furious and the only thing that kept his mind calm was the plan he, oh-so-badly, wanted to do. After seven years of them separated he finally got his plan in action and his girl was once again in his sight under his protection," He finished his story with a smirk.

"Why are you telling me this?" I said in a whisper tone. His smirk grew bigger and he stood up making his chair fall backwards and the sound echoing through the room.

He walked closer to me and my eyes never left his. His hand pulled my face roughly up making me wince slightly but he probably didn't notice. "Do you wanna know who the first guy is?" He asked in my ear, his long eyelashes tickling my cheek.

I nodded answering him. "The guy is me, Ariel. Me, I'm the guy who's been in love with you ever since day one," He answered and my eyes went wide open. I wanted an answer of who this person is.

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