idek this just makes me happy

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As many of you may know, nouis is my second most favourite ship and I ABSOLUTELY ADORE IT
IT'S FANTABULOUS and practically the only ship alive right now
*starts belting out 'right now'*

As many of you may know, nouis is my second most favourite ship and I ABSOLUTELY ADORE ITIT'S FANTABULOUS and practically the only ship alive right now*starts belting out 'right now'*

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Dedicated to louthedork because I know you'll appreciate this and it's practically my hobby to make you die from nouis feels

I love this photo so much ❤
Niall's sending out those daddy vibes

I feel like asking you guys some questions so here we go :)

1. Your favourite song?
2. Your favourite One Direction song?
3. Your favourite One Direction music video?

-My favourite song atm is 'Teenagers' by MCR cause I'm emo as hell.
-My favourite 1D songs are Where Do Broken Hearts Go, Right Now, Illusions and If I Could Fly. I'd never be able to choose just one song lol
-Even if I listened to/watched Midnight Memories on repeat for ten years I would never get fed up of it. THERE ARE SO MANY NARRY, NOUIS AND NIAM MOMENTS


This was such a random post and I feel high off coffee GAAH

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