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Just for the record, this short story is in Otabek's POV.
This is also set sometime in like the 1500's or something.
  The soft, panging air against my armor-clad body. The dirtied path beneath my horse's feet. The Russian spring weather sure was lovely with blankets of flower buds covering the land. Even my dark horse seemed to be enjoying the sweet air.

  I was out on an adventure. I was out to find something new. I had heard the rising rumors about beautiful fairies in the far lands of Russia. It was believed that these fairies were extremely seductive and had voices of pure silk.

  "Really now? I've never heard of such a thing!" Slurred a drunk leaning against the bar counter.
"Yes really!" The bartender placed his hands on the table. "I'm telling you its true! I heard one myself!"

  The people in the bar all laughed at him and called him a fibber. However, I had never been more intrigued.

  "I'll be going then." I told my mother, gathering my armor and weapons. She was just finishing baking a cherry pie for supper. My patient horse waited outside.

  "Whatever do you mean Ota-kun?" She placed the pie onto the window sill for it to cool off.
"Surely you don't mean-" She looked over at me.
"I do, mother." I told her. At this point, everyone had heard about the seemingly too good to be true rumors that were rapidly spreading around town like a bad disease.
"You can't!" She cried.
"Who knows if those rumors are true or not?"
She yelled for me to stay as i walked outside and hopped onto my trusty steed.

"I'll see you soon enough. Don't miss me too much." And then I was off.

  I rode and rode for quite awhile searching high and low for a beautiful being. Nonetheless, I was growing restless and impatient. I was starting to wonder if the rumors were fake after all.

  I soon found a place for me and my horse to rest. After riding for awhile, i could tell he needed a break. Hopping off of the dark animal, I sat down against the trunk of a nearby tree. Then I began to sing.
(The following is the first few lyrics to On Love: Agape)
  "Si mea vita est temporaria," I closed my eyes as i let my frustration out with song. Just then, i heard a faint humming, or was it an echo? It sounded like a woman's voice.

  "Humi portendi Caritatem eternum" I got up and looked around, a little bit eager to find out what it was.
"Who are you?" I asked. I had hoped that the entity didn't think I was too intimidating.
"Cretum damos virago Labora o gratias agape" The voice was closer now.
In fact, it was right in front of me. I watched in awe as a mist appeared and took form.

"Wow" I whispered.
"Who are you? Why are you here? What do you want?" The fairy in front of me was beautiful indeed.
"You're not a woman...are you?" I asked confusedly. The fairy looked at me up and down.
"You are correct young traveler. I am not a woman nor am I a girl."
"Young?" I chuckled. "I'm pretty sure I'm older than you."
  I confirmed most of the rumors about these fairies. They were incredibly beautiful and their voices were extravagantly soft.

  I got up and asked the fairy, "Why does your kind pose as women?" The boy looked at me with kind yet careful eyes.
"We do not. I suppose you humans just perceive us as female." The fairy fluttered up to my horse. It seemed as if he had never seen one before.
"Oh, that's Perseus." I pointed to the horse.
"Perseus...why would you name it that?" The fairy continued to touch Perseus.
"Well why not? I think the name suits him quite well."

We stood there. Or rather, I stood there watching the fairy pet my horse. He was slender and wore something that seemed to be made out of nature. His eyes were bright and soft. The eyes that of an angel. His hair was cream coloured and almost seemed to be floating. I wanted to get to know more about him.

"What is your name, sir?" I asked. He looked at me like I had just said something troubling.
" Yurio." He told me.
"Yurio" I repeated. "That's beautiful. I've never heard anything like it."
"Why is this important?" He stood up and faced me. I was quite surprised as to why he was acting this way.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Why are you here in the first place? You should be afraid!" He got closer eventually backing me up against the tree. He was getting visibly frustrated. Now I felt bad.

"I'm sorry...I-uh-are you ok?" He had grabbed my shirt with both of his fists and a tear rolled down his cheek.

I grabbed his chin with my fingers and lifted his head. I couldn't really see into his eyes as they were all messy and glossed up with tears, but I didn't want to just leave him crying. After all, mother always said to never leave a damsel in distress.

"Oh come now, what's the matter Yurio?" I asked trying to figure out why he was crying.
"I just can't understand why..."
"Why what?" I pressed on.
"I just can't understand why you humans are so inquisitive-
Why you're so interested in me." He loosened his grip of me and buried his head into my chest. I could feel my heart skip a beat like a giddy school girl when she got her first love letter.

  "Every time a human spots me, all they want to do is try to win my heart or capture me like I'm sort of-some sort of prized game." I placed my hand on his back and pulled him closer. He was somehow extremely cold and shaking. I could tell he appreciated the warmth.

"I'm supposed to be a part of an amazing, loyal yet fearless species. How can I protect my family if I can't even scare a human off."
  I had this nagging feeling inside of me. I didn't know at the time that I wanted to hold him never letting go. Never losing sight of him. I wanted him and I couldn't contain my actions any longer.

I lifted his chin so I could see his face. He was crying again. Surprisingly enough it was utterly adorable. I thought to myself, how can I show my feelings of affection towards him?
I looked at his pink lips. Of course!
"Hey," I whispered leaning towards him.
"What-" I gave him my all. A kiss even a goddess couldn't resist. The most intense kiss. He grabbed my shoulders and tugged on it slightly.
"Mnh." He moaned. I couldn't get enough. His lips were sweet and addictive and his eyes were captivating and attractive. After what seemed like a year, we finally parted lips.

"What is your name?" Yurio asked me.
"Otabek," He breathed seductively into my ear.
"Teach me...what love is."
END! ;)

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