Chapter 3

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A/N: I'm an awful person. Never believe me again when I say I'll update soon. It's likely to be a lie judging by my previous habits. At least my writing style has improved. Hopefully. This is also the chapter in which we shall be veering away from the four swords storyline.

~Shadow's POV (as per usual)~

I gasp loudly for air as my body collapses to the ground, my body trembling as the cursed light surrounds me once more. I groan as I drag myself onto my hands and knees, a choked sounding sob leaving me. I felt so pathetically weak and I hated it. I was drawn from my moment of self pitying as I begin to regain my senses, suddenly aware of the fact that someone was watching me. I glare up at the person, gritting my teeth when I see that damned Princess Zelda staring at me with a mixture of shock and pity.

"What are you looking at?" I growl out between my panting "Move it! Get away from me!" I manage to push myself onto just my knees, kneeling as I wrap my arms around myself. I felt strangely cold...

"I won't have your pity! Nothing hurts more... than pity!" I snarl at her, trying to get that stupid look off her face. "Curse you!"

"Do you really think the light will hurt you?" she asks softly "Don't you see? You are a Link too. Deep, inside, you're really a hero." I look up at her slowly, disbelief flashing across my features. I know I'm a Link. I am a hero, but certainly not one for the light! That makes me more like that back-stabbing liar Vio, like hell I'd want to do anything to help him after all he's done to me! I hate him just as much as I hate this damn light he fights for!

Just when I'm about to retort, Zelda is snatched up by a dark cloud, and she almost immediately falls limp and unconscious. I swallow nervously and sit up more.

"D-Dark cloud, halt! What are you doing with the princess?" I question.

"As Lord Ganon commands. With the heroes' defeat Princess Zelda will be the last light in Hyrule. A true world of darkness begins with her demise." It answers. I bite my lip and nod, unable to find any reason to want to stop it if that's what Lord Ganon commands. It quickly disappears with Zelda, leaving me in the surprising calmness of the tower roof. I close my eyes, weighing out my options for my next move. I the state I'm currently in, I'll likely be more trouble than help. I need more time to regain my strength, but I have no more time. I drag myself to my feet, drawing my sword and starting to stumble down the steps. I would need to catch the Links off guard, otherwise they'd simply overpower me. I follow the sounds of explosions and Vaati's voice, knowing I'd find the battle there. Duh. I has almost arrived when Vio ran past me, obviously not noticing me as he was in such a hurry. I grin as an idea comes to me, and I follow silently after Vio, readying my sword.

"Hey guys! Sorry I got lost!" Vio calls as he spots the other three Links. Now's my chance. I run forward just as Green, Red and Blue turn around, surprise flashing across all their faces as a loud 'Vio! Watch out!' was called out by one of them too late as my blade pierces through Vios back, going through his body and out of his chest. Vio lets out a pained scream, his body already starting to fall limp. I lean forward, grinning.

"Hurts, doesn't it?" I whisper into his ear. He tenses slightly.

"S-Shadow..." Is all he manages before he falls to the floor, dead.

(Sorry all ye Vio lovers, this fic just doesn't have room for someone who's so popular in a couple with Shadow-)

I hear one of the Links, probably Red, start screaming before Vaati uses their distraction and larger form to -in more child-friendly terms with less blood and description than reality- crush the remaining Links. I let out a surprised cry as I feel all of them disappear at once, falling to my knees almost immediately. What's wrong with me now...? I feel dizzy, my vision was unfocused, and I could barely make out Vaati in his hylians form rushing towards me.

"Idiot." he mumbles as he grips me in his arms "I thought I told you to stay out of trouble."

"Yeah... Well I didn't listen..." I mumble in response, before my consciousness slips away entirely.

A/N: aaand I'll leave you in suspense until I remember to update next. Whatever has happened to Shadow you wonder. Don't worry, the explanation is logical :D

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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