chapter three

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" Thanks" I muttered to harry as i quickly copied down his homework. It was morning and we were in the library, I came up here and figured they'd have a copy of the book.

When i got up here Harry was also here. "Yeah,Whatever." He said. I rolled my eye's. I was somewhat use to his rudeness but not ok with it.

I looked up at him. "You know i didnt do anything to you,You dont have to be a ass to me. " I snapped angrily but  kept my voice down.

He rolled his eyes."I told you yester",-" Yeah,I know,You dont have to be mean to me." i interrupted. He smirked "Is someone offended?" he asked

I rolled my eyes and closed his book shoving it toward him and shot up. He chuckled which made me even more mad as i made my way to the door.

He always thought everything was funny,I had just left out the library when i felt a hand grab my arm, I jerked away and turned facing who grabbed me.

"Woah,Chill out" Amber said. I sighed."You ok there? Look..Hot,Literally" She said."Yeahh,Im fine..Its just that Harry pissed me off." I said.

"Harry Styles? " She asked."Yeah" I replied as we started walking down the hall. "You talk to him?".."Wish i didn't right now."

"why? What did he do?" she asked. "He's a arrogant son of a bitch." I replied."Really because all the girls are slobbering over him.".."just for his looks." I replied.

She shrugged."Well he is hot".. I nodded agreeing. "I guess,But his attitude is really starting to make him ugly to me." I said.

She nodded."A ugly attitude destroys a pretty face." She said quoting that saying from tumblr.

I nodded again agreeing."Hey!" A voice shouted behind us. We turned to see harry slowly jog toward us."Here,You left this" He said slipping a paper in my hand and his science book.

"But..You need this book" I said,Still angry.He shrugged."I'll just get yours and we'll swap in first period,The bell's gonna ring in like 5 minutes anyways." He said bluntly.

i made a face at him." Im guessing this is your way of apologizing huh?" I asked.He smirked. "Nope,Your not that lucky" He said.

i rolled my eye's." So now i have to be lucky?" I asked as a smile slowly creeped on my face.

"Something like that." He said smirking and pushed past me,A little softer then yesterday.

"I thought he was arrogant,That was totally flirting." Amber said as we turned."Nun uh" i disagreed as we slowly started to walk.

well was it flirting? uh,Did i really have a cheesy smile on my face...I blushed knowing he more then likely seen it.

"Hey,You wanna go grab a quick breakfast snack at lunch? We got like 4 minutes" She broke into my thoughts. I smiled.

"Well we should hurry up!" I said grabbing her hand and starting to jog. She surprisingly smiled at me and jogged along with me,quietly laughing.


I was talking to Stacy as we waited for Mr.Andrews to walk in,He was late..Anyways i felt a hand tap my shoulder and i turned to see Harry sitting in Ryan's seat.

"Can i borrow a pen?" He asked."No" I said bluntly."E..Excuse me?" He asked,Getting a bit offensive. I smirked and reached in my bag and placed a pencil on his desk.

"Mr.Andrews dont like pens." I said,feeling a bit boss. He smiled,Only one side of his smile cocking upwards."Cute" he said sarcastically. I smirked again."Why thankyou." I replied and turned back to Stacy who just smiled.

"Didn't know you had that in ya' sweetheart." Stacy quietly teased. I opened my mouth to reply,--"Alright Class! Sorry Im late! Open your textbooks to page 354"

Mr.Andrew voice rang in. The class groaned along with the sound of heavy books hitting desk and flipping open.

"Hey." I heard Harry whisper to me,I turned toward him but still faced the board."Hi." i replied. "That shirt totally doesn't match those jeans." He joked.

I smiled surprisingly at his joke,I was surprised that he was nice."Your surprisingly nice.".."Don't spoil it gomez,Im just communicating".."Well,Keep doing it..i like it." I replied smiling sheepishly at him.

He gave me a smile,Showing a bit of teeth as he placed a textbook on my desk,I smiled remembering and placed a book on his."Welcome." He whispered.

"Yeah,Whatever." I replied and stared up at the board smiling.

after class

"Alright! bye!" i called after stacyvas she ran out the class along with thr rest of the class. I hsd just pulled  my bag strap over my shoulder and stood,when i suddenly felt a lighr tap.

i looked over my shoulder to see A pencil tapping my shoulder,I smiled slowly as i turned."Your pencil."  He said.

"Oh yeah,I forgot." I admitted softly."You should remember,Mr.Andrews dont like forgetful people." He said throwing my words back in my face.

i stood there a bit surprised as he just smirked with satisfactory written over his face and brushed past me.

I bit my lip,That was beyond cute."Hey gomez,Get going." Mr.Andrews voice broke into my thoughts.--"Ohh,Yeah,Right..Bye" I muttered quicklu as i left out the door.

"Hey gomez." Justin's voice said...Justin.

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