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There was two girls one with blonde curly hair with light blue eyes and the anther with black straight hair with also light blue eyes. They both were sisters going to the store with there mother.

As they were going around the store they realized they were going in circles.

They both panicked and started running around and around, but they always ended up back at the entrance, the girl with the blonde curly haired girl realized there where these doll heads watching them

as they going around and around, She looked into one of there eyes and then a Lady turned them around. The Lady said, "Hello girls, are you lost?," She said with a psychotic grin.

The Black haired girl said to the lady," No ma'am," just then the girl turned her head to the door and saw her mother and grabbed the blonde girl and bolted, but before the girls got out the door the lady grabbed them and screamed in there faces,"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!,"

And she screamed from the store," YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM YOU'RE FATE!,"

The girls got released from the lady's grip and ran to the car and got in with there mother.

The car doors locked and there mother turned around, but it wasn't there mother it was the lady. The Lady said I told you, you can't hide from you're fate. She said as she was taking out a knife the blonde girl broke the window with her foot and climbed out with her sister behind her, they we're running. They ran into a park and hid under a park bench. As the lady walked around trying to find them she said these words," You can't hide from what you did you will pay, you two girls did the deed and are now in an internal maze in you mind, All because you had to kill you're family.

Once the Lady said that the girls memorize of what they did came back.

Then the lady grabbed them and screamed in there ear," WELCOME TO DOLLIE HELL!, The girls remembered every thing I killed there family and then went insane and commented suicide.

Dollie-Hell, Is a Hell for little girls who murder there family and committed suicide.

Now they are in and endless maze of memorize and terror of the Lady at the store that will come and taunt them for ever and ever.

                                                                                      The End

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