An Irish Christmas

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"Come to Ireland with me, love." Colin says. It was our last day in Vancouver together. We were sitting on the couch in my Vancouver home while Colin played with my hair. "Come for an Irish Christmas."

"Colin- really?" I ask, in shock. I had always wanted to go to Ireland. Especially with him. 

"Of course, Jennifer." He smirked. He knew I loved it when he used my full name.

"Oh, I'd love to!" I smile and wrap my arms around him. "Thank you!" I laugh.

He smiles, nods, and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out two plane tickets. "Get packing, love. Plane leaves at 8 tomorrow night."

I smile and kiss his cheek. "I still can't believe you'd do this for me, just-"

He put a finger up to my mouth. "Ssshh, baby. It's my job."


"Mhhm. No buts." He smiled. His finger was soon replaced by his lips. I run my fingers through his dark, silky hair. His hand caresses my cheek, before separating our lips.  "Come on, love. Let's pack." He takes my hand and we walk to my closet. "Let's get ready to go to Ireland." I smile.

- - - -

We stood in the airport, luggage and all. We wore large scarves, hats, and glasses to remain unnoticed. Besides, our 6-month-long relationship was not public yet. 

We dropped off our suitcases and went to sit in the waiting area. "Attention. Flight 7689 on Worldwide Airlines has been delayed. The schedule will resume at 9:30 PM. Thank you." A voice over the speakers said. 

"Looks like we'll be having a fun two hours stuck at LAX." I sigh. 

"It can't be all that bad," Colin smiled. "Besides, I'm with you." He reached his arm across the arm of the chair and placed his hand on my thigh. I smiled, placing my hand on top of his. 

"So, any ideas on how to pass the time?" 

"Actually, I do." He smirks. "I'm going to teach you Gaelic." He admits, a proud grin on his face. 

"What?!" I exclaim, chuckling a little louder than I should for being in an airport. He laughs with me. 

"C'mon love, a ligean ar dul." 

"Excuse me?" 

"Let's go." He chuckles. "Ok, let's start off with 'hello.' Dia dhuit." 

"Dee-ah duh-wheat?" I repeat. 

"Aye!" Colin chuckles, a wide smile spread upon his face. "Ok, next, how do you say how are you?" He winks at me. 

"Conas atá tú." I giggle, thinking of the 2015 Comic Con Panel. 

"An-mhaith, an-mhaith. Very good, very good." He smiles. 

Through the next hour and a half, Colin taught me many Irish words and phrases. 9:30 was approaching, and we would be boarding our flight soon. "Is breá liom tú." Colin whispered, rubbing my back.

"What does that mean?" 

"I love you." He says genuinely. Colin and I had never exchanged those three words before. 

"I love you too. Is breá liom tú." I repeat. I lean in, about to kiss him when the voice begins to speak. 

"Flight 7689, now boarding. Flight 7689 to Ireland is now boarding. Thank you for choosing Worldwide Airlines." 

"I guess that's our cue." Colin says, picking up his carry-on. 

"Yeah." I smile, slinging my backpack onto my shoulders. Holding my purse and my boyfriend's hand,  I boarded the plane, all ready for my first trip to Ireland. 

AN IRISH CHRISTMAS · ONE SHOT · COLIFERWhere stories live. Discover now