Chapter 11: The Truth Comes Out

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"Hey Sweet Pea! How are you?" my mom asks.

"Um, I am good." I say but don't put much emotion in it.

"Are you sure?"


"What's wrong?"

"Alex told me." I say and my parents know what I am talking about. My dad tells Derek to leave the room, so it is just my parents and I in the room.

"Well someone please explain what is going on? And why Alex knows."

"Well, Alex knows because him and his dad helped us." My mom starts.

"Helped you with what?"

"About 23 years ago, your mother got pregnant with a baby girl."

"She was darling," My mom adds.

"Okay..." I trail off, tell them to carry on.

"And when she was 3 she wondered off into the woods. She was gone for days, months, years. We thought she was dead. So we finally decided to try again, and got pregnant with Derek, then you came along. We knew that you weren't her, but you were a chance to have a daughter. Everything was great, but then one day we got a letter from her. We thought it wasn't true. We thought we were being tricked. Turns out, she found another pack and they raised her."

"Okay?" I say and give them a sideways looks.

"JJ, she was raised by your mate's parents."

"What! That's not true! They don't have any other siblings." Well they haven't really told me. But they won't keep something like this from me.

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this." My mom says. I throw the covers off of my legs and hop out of the bed. I grab my clothes and put them on.

Once my clothes are on, I grab my stuff.

"JJ, what are you doing?" my dad asks.

"I just need to get out here," I says.

"Where you going? You can't go anywhere!" My mom yells.

"Do you think I care?" I ask, looking at them. "I know that you are just trying to help me and you were just raising me as your own, but now you can have your real daughter back. I don't have to be the fill in anymore." I say with slight rage and start to walk out.

"JJ, you are our daughter too. When I found you on the road, my heart broke. I want to take care of you, raise you, be your dad. So that's what I did. I love you. We both do, so does Derek."

"I don't want to be your charity project anymore," I snap at them; my hand on the doorknob.

"You're not. Your our daughter. Not Marcus', ours. The things you have been through, we can't imagine. You need us, as much as we need you. Just because our daughter has come back into our lifes, doesn't mean that we are going to kick you out. You don't have to go through that again. We are here for you, let us be here for you."

"I don't know how." I say honestly. All my life, I couldn't trust anyone. I was to scared of what would happen to them. 'To love is to destroy, to be loved is to be destroyed.'

"You take your hand off the doorknob, and walk over to us," My dad says. I feel my hand coming off of the doorknob. I start taking small steps toward them.

"We will take care of you. Just as we always have," my mom says. I look at her.

"I don't need you guys to take care of me. I have mates," I remind and take a step back.

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