The beginning

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It was a long first year for Draco Malfoy and metting Hermione Granger made it even longer. They first met on the train ride to Hogwarts. "Is this seat taken?" asked 11 year old Draco Malfoy. "No you can sit here" Hermione said and scooted over. "Thank you..." he said hoping she would give him her name. "I'm Hermione Granger" she said. "I'm Draco Malfoy, surely you've heard of me" he said. But Draco didn't know Hermione was muggle born. "No I haven't" Hermione said curious. "I am apart of the Malfoy family as in Malfoy Manor" Draco said. "Sorry doesn't ring a bell" Hermione said. "Oh. Are your parents muggles?" Draco asked. "Yes they are. Is there something wrong with that?" Hermione asked. "Um...well kind of yeah. I have an all magical heritage. I'm what you would call pure blood." Draco said. Hermione was crushed to know that her heritage would effect her new friendship. "Oh well then I'll just leave now" Hermione said, got up and walked away. Draco grew sad that Hermione's heritage would get in the way of a great friendship.

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