Chapter 9 - Joints

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Chapter 9 -

Joints ~

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What stuff?" I asked.

Zayn smirked at me. "You'll see."

Confusion was clearly written on my face. Zayn and Liam went to go get what I suppose is the 'stuff' and left me alone with Niall.

Niall removed his arm from my shoulder and started to make room in the center of the room.

I walked up to him once he was done and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Niall, what's the stuff you guys are talking about?" I said in the innocent voice I had while giving my best pouty face.

"Sorry princess, but that's for us to know and you to find out." He smirked.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath.

"We're baaaaaaaaack!" Liam yelled as he, and Zayn, came in the room holding three bags what I think is...


Liam gave one bag to each person; Him, Zayn, and Niall.

They all sat on the ground as I just watched.

"How'd you get all this?" I asked as I took a seat next to Niall because we we going to 'share'.

"We know some people." Zayn said he put the joint in his mouth and lit it.

(I have no clue how weed works so I'm making it up as I go along, bear with me please.)

Zayn passed the lighter to Liam. Who then passed it to Niall.

"Have you ever done this before, princess?" Niall said as he exhaled the puff of smoke from his mouth.

"Yeah I've done it before." I said as he passed me the joint.

I put it to my lips and inhaled. The last time I did this, my friends showed me how to make shapes while puffing out the smoke. I wonder if I can still do it...

I tried and... success! I made blew the smoke out in circles while all the boys watched in awe. I passed the joint to Niall and smirked.

Niall came over and leaned so that he was breathing on my ear.

"Wanna try something?" He whispered.


I UPDATED. YAY!! Don't you just love cliff hangers! Haha. Anyway, hope you liked it! Adios!! (:

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