An Odd Way to Get to Work

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Teleportation is a really odd thing, especially when you have just learnt how to do it. That was the case for Noah. He had never known that he could teleport places when he was just a child, and now, standing in front of all his enemies, trying to save his mother from imminent death with all his friends; he had to learn it all over again.

Two Months Earlier

We start our story in a small town in the second biggest country in the world, Unity Saskatchewan. Noah was a seemingly normal kid, he goes to church on Sundays (hence his name), works at the local gas station and goes to school, what could make him odd. Well, here's the thing about Noah, he has a super power.

Now this is not going to be your normal, boring super hero story, no, no, no, it is also a coming of age story, everybody likes those don't they? Why yes I believe they do. This story is like '13 Going on 30' with a mix of 'Superman', and an all too powerful punch of 'Percy Jackson'. Let's set the scene.

Noah sat in his room on his massive queen sized bed, by which his parents always say is a huge blessing because when they were young they had small twin mattresses. Noah was currently reading 'Lord of the Rings', and was completely enveloped in it. He was about five pages from the end when his mother Sarah came into the room.

'Oh put down that dreadful book will you,' ordered Sarah as she opened the door slowly, not wanting to disturb her 15 almost 16 year old child.

'But mooooooooooom, I'm just getting to the good part!' Replied Noah as he begrudgingly put his book down.

'Well if you want to read something you can read the bible. There's some pretty interesting stuff in there, my favourite book is Kings, a lot of good stuff happens there. "Now Ahab told Jezebel everything Elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword". Now tell me, when you hear that quote does it not want to make you just pick up the nearest bible and read Kings?' Pointed out Sarah as she recited full bible verses in her head.

'No mom. Sorry, I like the bible and all, and Jesus is my main man, but I like to leave the bible for church.' Said Noah as he stared at the cross hanging about his bed, that had the 'Lord's Prayer' printed on it.

'Well son, you will regret that one day, just trust me.' Replied Sarah with a peaceful, and forgiving tone. 'Anyways, come on, you have to help your father outside with the farm.'

Yes, Noah's family consisted of famers. They farmed everything from wheat, to dairy, to meat. Noah's favourite thing to help with was milking the cows.

He slowly got out of his bed and headed downstairs. As much as he liked helping everyone with chores, he didn't want to do anything on the eve of his birthday.

He trudged out of the house and walked into the wheat filed. It was a cool day- (no, not that descriptive, you don't want to know the colour of the sky, the temp-no. Well, I'm going to be descriptive anyway because I am a rebel). It was a cool September day with a completely open and blue sky. The temperature was turning into long shirt weather with lows of 5 degrees (Celsius obviously). The wind slammed Noah in the face, causing the air to feel colder than 5 degrees, more like 0 degrees.

As Noah walked across the field he thought about what his mother said to him 'you will regret that, just trust me.' Noah wondered how he could regret anything. He loved his life the way it was. No one was trying to ruin it. He lived in a small town so there weren't that many murderers lurking about. His family was still alive, and yet he also felt like a part in his life was missing, it was too bland, too normal, and almost too perfect.

He got closer and closer to the cow pen, and then he just arrived there. It didn't feel like he walked the entire length of the field. He beamed there; almost like he said 'beam me there Scotty'.

He brushed it off like it was nothing, although he did find it weird that when he was thinking about how perfect, or imperfect his life was he just showed up where he wanted to go.

He opened the gate to the cow pen and then walked in. He found his favourite cow, and got to work. He grabbed an utter and twisted, pulled down and squeezed all at the same time.

He did this until he exhausted all the milk from the cow, so he moved onto the next one. He pulled and squeezed again. He went from cow to cow and the looked at the sun. After a long time of thinking about what time it was he gave up and looked at his watch, which read 6:15 in the afternoon. He had to get to work before he was late.

He ran back towards the house. The field was too long, and he had to work at 6:30. This would be his third time late this month, he was scared of unemployment.

He looked back down at his watch, which now read 6:17. He was definitely going to be late. That's when he ended back in his room. He didn't even make it back to his house, and he was in his room. He couldn't figure out what was going on. He kept getting where he wanted to, without remembering how he got there. He got dressed and read the clock, 6:19.

He hopped out of the house and jumped into his pick-up truck. He pressed the gas pedal and was there, in a millisecond he was there. Five minutes before he had to, he arrived at work.

He clocked on and then got to work, or did he? The shift went by too fast, he barely remembered doing anything. He couldn't figure out how all this was happening. Anomaly? Worm hole? Black hole? Maybe he was superman. How could he not think that way, he was fifteen in the end.

He got back in his truck. He pressed the gas pedal, thinking that he was going to go back home in a second. Then, nothing happened. He kept pressing on the pedal, but nothing happened. That's when he remembered that he had the emergency brake on. He lifted the brake up and then pressed the pedal. He drove, but didn't go right home like he wanted to, he drove at steady pace.

When he got home he went right up to his room. He looked at the clock and it read 10:00 at night. That's when the sun in the sky instantly rose, and now it was 9:00 in the morning. He was so confused. He ran down the stairs and found his family at the dining table. The table was set and there was food on the table. Not just food, Noah's favourite food. Bacon, Belgian waffles, and crepes.

He sat down at the table and realized that it was his birthday. Everyone else in the family joined around the table and said grace. Noah's farther started saying the grace. 'Bless us o' lord and these thy gifts by which we receive, from thy bounty. Amen,' my father finished the grace and everyone else in the family said 'Amen'.

Noah grabbed his utensils and dug in. he cut into a waffle and took one bite, then, silence. The entire family moved around him at break neck speed, after a minute everyone was gone and it was dark. He missed his birthday, without meaning to.

He went up to his room, skulking. He was so mad that he missed his birthday. He got into bed and shut his eyes. He instantly fell asleep.

He was jolted awake by a voice. A voice that he didn't know. He looked around his room. He turned around, and to the sides. When he turned back to the front he was staring at someone that he didn't know.

It was a short man that looked like the raggedy elf from Lord of the Rings. He had big eyes and sharp teeth. His nose protruded far out from his face and was quite warty. He had dangling ears that had huge ear stretchers in them.

'Noah, we need your help saving the world.'

This story idea came to me on the spot, like most do, I wasn't planning on turning it into a novella, but I will. Anyways, Merry Christmas.

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