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Harrys coming over. He hasn't been to my house yet and I don't want him to come, not because I don't want him to come like that but because my parents will say things to me after he leaves. Everytime I have friends over they just feel the need to comment on everything about them. My parents are horrible people, always judging on things that they shouldn't. The only friend they like of mine is Bri, of course.

I'm not sure if I should freshen up before Harry comes or just leave what I have on which are sweats and a hoodie. My hair is damp but it should be dry once he's here. Wait I don't even know where he was let alone how far it was. He could be here any second actually. I don't bother telling my parents he's coming because as of right now they like him so it shouldn't matter to them yet.

It hasn't even passed 10 minutes before there's a knock on my front door.

"Who in the world would that be?" My dad growls over his newspaper. I roll my eyes and look to my mom who's looking back at me.

"It might be Harry. He said he'd drop by" I get up to open the door. They don't seem to care much because they go back to what they were doing. Once I open the door I realize how warmly I'm dressed when its barely cold out. I probably look like a giant marshmallow.

"Hey" Harry smiles and walks pass me.

"Hi" I close the door and he turns back around to me. Im going to guess he doesn't know if he should follow behind me or if I should just tell him where to go. I decide to go in front of him. My parents don't bother saying hello which doesn't surprise me. I bet Harry is taken back by how rudely they are acting but im use to it. He follows me up the stairs and I don't realize I'm basically running up until I reach the top and he's still a few steps below.

"What's the rush?" His eyebrows furrow and he tilts his head. He reachs the top and stands beside me.

"Nothing, lets go to my room. My parents will bother us" He nods and grabs my hand. Our fingers immediately intertwine with one another almost out of habit. I smile and quickly stop. He just ditched you today and basically rejected you and you're letting him do this?  I open my door which takes me out of thought. My room looks boring and dull. You'd expect some pinks here and there but no, my room is black and white with some red on my bed. I have a long dresser with a wide mirror that's white and lights hanging from my window. Its simple and so me.

"I like your room. Its not the usual girl room" He looks around and examines everything.  I hope I didn't leave anything embarrassing out.

"So um how was it with zayn and them?" I sit on a stool next to my bed. Harry looks at me and walks over to my bed. He hesitates before he sits, I'm guessing he was deciding if he should ask first or what.

"Good I guess. They ask way to many questions so I was ready to leave and see you, sorry about randomly making plans. It won't happen again, I promise" He sighs and looks down at his shoes.

"Its okay. You have friends other than me, I don't mind" I force a smile and look at his feet, why is he still staring at them? He's wearing his boots, no surprise.

"I like your shoes.  I haven't seen much boys wear them" I get off the stool and go to sit next to him. He looks up and makes room for me. I cross my legs once I'm on the bed. Luckily I have some socks on because my feet are not cute.

"Thanks. Liam always comments stuff about them but I guess its just unusual to see here" He shrugs. Are they mean to him? I sure as hell hope not. Harry would be way to nice to even hurt a fly or so I think. I bet he lets them talk all the shit they want and he sits there taking it.

"Well Liam shouldn't be saying that stuff. You're you so you wear what you like" He looks up at me, his green eyes locking with mine. I can't hold the gaze and I look at his lips. Those lips, oh how I wish I could taste them just one more time. I know I say I won't be kissing him anytime soon but I can't fucking help it. Its like I'm drawn to them all the damn time. I catch him looking at my lips. Oh god I hope they don't look chapped. I lick them and he clears his throat .

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