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Papers upon papers pile up in my arms, threatening to escape my grasp and flutter down onto the hallway floor. I attempt to clutch onto them like my life depends on it, only to walk straight into a figure, papers raining down and crashing onto the marble like a white wave surge.

Looking up with wide eyes, my gaze is met with a stone cold one, glaring at me through dark bangs.

"Yoongi hyung! I'm so sorry!" I yelp and bend down to retrieve the sea of paper decorating the hallway. He heaves a sigh and joins me, collecting up the various pieces.

"It's fine, just watch where you're going next time" he grumbles, handing over a small stack of paper and planting it on my own pile that I collected. He helps me up with a tug on the arm and what I think was a quick smile.

"Yeah, I will" I laugh nervously and grin at the elder, shorter male. Yoongi stares at me for a few moments, frowning.

"You look tired. Are you okay?" He tilts his head, breaking the silence. I cast my eyes towards the glass door to my left, understanding what he means. I look a mess. My hair looks like it was never brushed, skin sickeningly pale and large eyebags droop from my slightly bloodshot eyes. I'm shattered.

"Umm, not especially..."

His right hand clutches onto my sleeve, pulling me with him as he storms down the corridor. I struggle to keep the papers in my arms, shifting them to a better position so they don't cascade down onto the marble once again. He stops at a door that I recognize as Mark's office, swinging the door open and letting go of the material on my blazer. I glance towards the desk, only to see an empty leather seat.

"Where's Mark?" I ask as I plant the pile of papers on a mahogany table. Yoongi turns to look at me from his position in front of a coffee machine, gesturing for me to sit down. I perch on a comfy armchair that doesn't help my tired state.

"He's in Japan for business reasons. I'm in charge whilst he's gone" the raven haired male explains as the sound of the machine fills the room. I nod and lean back in the chair, wanting to fall asleep.

"Why did you bring me here?" I query with curiosity, watching as Yoongi retrieves a mug that has the word 'swag' painted across it in large gold letters, placing it under the machine as it dispenses warm coffee.

"I thought you might need a caffeine boost... And a talk" He answers like it was obvious. After a short wait, he takes the swag mug from under the machine and strolls over, sliding the steaming drink across the table.

"Thanks" I smile and sit up, deciding to wait for it to cool. I'm not going through that again.

"Nice watch"

I stare up at him with confusion but then realise what he's talking about. Decorating my wrist is a leather wristwatch with a gold face and silver hands.

"Oh, thank you! Taehyung got it for me..." I trail off, biting the inside of my cheek. He looks at me the way a doctor would examine his patient.

"The fuck, is he some kinda sugar daddy or what?" Yoongi raises an eyebrow and chuckles to himself, clearly amused at his own remark.

"Umm, no..."

He raises a hand for me to stop talking and I oblige, glueing my lips together and sucking in a sharp breath.

"Why are you so tired? What happened?" His usual intimidating gaze is replaced with one of genuine concern as he leans forward. I struggle for the right words to say; how to phrase it without sounding stupid.

"Well..." I take a deep breath and avoid his stare.
"Tae and I kissed b-but I pushed him away before it went too far a-and I thought it was the right thing to do..."

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