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Their faces were getting closer and closer by the second, the anticipation killing Camila. She couldn't think straight anymore, feelings of nervousness, happiness, impatience and fear all mixed together in her head,

'screw it' she thought to herself, right before closing the small distance between them and smashing their lips together...

"Camila..." She heard faintly

"Camila..." She heard louder now, forcing her to blink a few times to make her eyes focus again,

"Camila..." She heard again, clearer and louder than before, her eyes still trying to focus on her surroundings. Seeing a blurry hand waving in front of her face, finally helped her focus her eyes completely. She saw Shawn, still waving his hand frantically in front of her face... Wait, what?... Why is he... Are they... Didn't they... Oh no, Did she seriously just daydream about kissing Shawn?... Slowly coming to this realization, her cheeks started getting warmer and warmer and she was forced to avert her gaze from Shawn and look down embarrassedly, even though the room was poorly lit. She couldn't believe that she seriously just imagined that, why couldn't it be real? She was snapped out of her train of thoughts by his sweet, calming voice addressing her again,

"Hey, where did you go?" He took a step closer to her, raised his right arm, and placed his soft hand in her shoulder to get her attention. Her head shot up and her eyes met his,

"Wh-wh-what?" She answered, his gentle touch leaving her even more disoriented, confused and nervous than she already was, but comforting her at the same time, her heart was pounding loudly against her chest, her stomach filling with butterflies, and her cheeks growing redder than before, if that was even possible.

"Where did you go? You were out of it for a moment... are you ok?" He said concerned, while retrieving his hand from her shoulder, making her miss his sweet touch almost instantly. Breaking their eye contact and tilting her head downwards again, she focused on her hands that were intertwined against her stomach, and started to play with her fingers, trying to calm herself down. Her heart almost stopped when she felt his soft fingers against her chin, moving her face upwards and forcing her to look up at him.

"Mila, are you ok?" Camila gulped, still not making eye contact with him, unable to make her brain work properly and form any coherent answers.

"I... i... Ye... I mean... no... i mean..." She groaned and shook her head, annoyed at herself for not being able to form a proper sentence and answer Shawn.

While trying to calm herself down, a loud and powerful thud echoed through the house, making the walls and floor shake, the nearby cars' alarms fire, and a nervous, confused and now scared Camila jump forwards.


"Where did you go? You were out of it for a moment... are you ok?" He said concerned, while retrieving his hand from her shoulder...

If Shawn wasn't worried about Camila before, he certainly was now. The girl wasn't even able to speak without stuttering or sounding completely disoriented and oblivious. He was now waiting patiently for her to answer him, but she seemed completely out of it, she wasn't even looking at him, she was playing with her fingers, her head tilted downwards. He decided to take initiative since he figured that the girl wasn't going to answer him, so he lifted his right arm and placed his thumb and index finger on her chin to tilt her head upwards, while lowering his own to try and meet her gaze. As soon as he saw her face, he noticed the tint of red in her cheeks and smiled so faintly that Camila didn't even notice it, his cheeks getting also a little red at the thought of Camila blushing because of their recent interaction. He decided to ask her again if she was ok, seeing that she still wasn't looking straight at him,

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