chapter 5

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As soon as everyone had something to eat the trio set off up the mountain. Jack was bouncing with excitement but was also nervous. He wanted to help Mark but only if he would let him. "So where do you come from?" Daithi asked.

"I'm the king of this kingdom." He replied smugly.

"The king you say then why on earth are you all the way out here? Where you not a good enough king and were exciled out of your own country?" Daithi guessed.

Jack could feel himself get more angry as he kept guessing wrongly. "No, I'm trying to fix something that a friend has caused," Jack calmed his breathing trying to not lose it on the man. "He ran away and I need to find him to make sure he's safe."

Daithi looked over to Jack who now had tears pooling on his eyes. "Woah buddy I'm sure he's fine, you sound like you love him or something."

Jack forcefully turned to Daithi anger had filled his teary eyes. "So what if I did! Not like he would love me back!" He had tears running down as he shouted.

"Calm down well lets see how much do you know about him since he is your friend." Daithi quickly tried to calm him down.

"That's the thing he, he's kept himself locked up in his room so I never got to know him but there is this one person who I've known for a day I know better than him. I'm just so confused, What should I-" He was stopped by Daithi putting a hand over his mouth.

"Excuse you. What do you think you're doing?" Jack complained angrily for being rudely shut up.

"Shhh, I hear something." Daithi lifted up the lantern that sat on the front of the sled.

"Well I don't." Jack smugly said crossing his arms.

Daithi looked around listening carefully for any unusual sounds. When he looked behind him he saw two glowing eyes shining from the light that was facing in that direction. He peered closer leaning in. "Sam go, go now." He calmly and quickly said.

"Why what's wrong?" Jack started to panic a little mind going to the worst possible thing.

"Just some wolves." He sighed as if it were a normal occurrence. Jack opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it when he heard louder growl than before. "We need to leave now." Daithi pulled on the reins that attached Sam to the sled.

They quickly moved away. Jack started to panic more as more animal noises were heard around them. "Go faster they're catching up." Jack swung his head around trying to think of a solution, with his panic ridden head it was no use he couldn't think straight. "Here take the reins I'm going to try something just keep an eye out." Daithi passed him the reins putting all his trust in the boy.

Jack was nervous he was going to mess something up. "O-ok I'll try." He calmed his breathing down reassuring himself that he could do it.

Daithi lit a piece of wood lying in the back of the sleigh with the help of his torch. "COME AT ME!" He shouted to the wolves who were by the sides of the sleigh, growling like the animals they were. He leaned over a bit to far and fell over the back of the sled. Holding onto a spare piece of rope that had fallen off. "J-Jack help me!" He called out to Jack who was trying to not let them both die.

His head whipped round when he heard the cries for help. "Daithi! Don't worry I'll help you don't panic." He looked around for things that could help him save his new friend.

"Jack, here catch this." Daithi threw the torch he held (surprisingly) on to when he fell. Jack caught it in his fumbly, shaky hands. He tried to keep his mind from running all over the place. "Jack hurry up please." He looked around on the floor of sleigh for anything that could help.

"Bingo." He spotted a barrel (BARRELS) under the front. He picked it up at used the torch to light it on fire.

"Jack what are you doing with that?" Daithi nervously spoek while defending himself from the oncoming wolves.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." Without warning he threw the flaming barrel down onto the wolves to hold them back from hurting Daithi.

"Woah a little warning please." He dramaticly sighed while pulling himself up.

"Well at least you're alive." Jack sassily retorted.

"Yes I thank you for that." He breathes out and looked up at Jack.


Jack and Daithi continued talking and learning things about each other. "So who was that guy you just met and you kinda like." Daithi raised his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

"No no not like that. Maybe. He's so nice but I love Mark." He dismisses with a wave of his hand.

"I don't know who I like. Me and Felix get along so well but I've only taked to him for a couple hours. Mark's lived in my house for years, we were so close as kids but something happened and we just fell apart. We've shared barely a full conversation now. I'm so torn."

(a/n I tried to get this out on Christmas but I had to be social and talk to people. I barely survived)


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