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It was a Friday, and Skye was so sure that Mr. Fitz would throw at them yet another “surprise” pop quiz in Quantum Physics. She wasted no time when she came into school the morning. She went straight to her locker to take out her needed book and started to skim through the pages they learned from from the past week. 

Jack saw her at the end of the hall when he came in. A smile on his face seeing the newly made friend that he had surely struck the night before, seeing her also gave him confidence for today’s History Oral Examination. With high spirits, he walked over to her to say hi. 

“Hi,” he did say upon reaching her locker. 

Skye looked up from her pages and saw Jack leaning against the lockers neighboring her. “Hi!” she enthusiastically croaked. 

He pointed up to the ceiling making Skye follow. She found her notebook slowly falling down above her as a way to give it back to her in a very clever manner. 

“Thanks for letting me borrow your notes.” He said, landing the notebook safely on one of Skye’s hands. 

“No problem,” she beamed. She turned back to her locker to place it back into her locker. “I hope it helped you. I know my penmanship’s not that readable since I prefer to write in cursives. “ She closed her locker shut. 

“Your writing’s quite beautiful, actually.” He admitted. “I like it when girls write in script. It makes them more… charming and classy.” 

Skye leaned against her own locker. Her Quantum Physics book had closed when Jack had started talking to her—for the first time in public and alone—and she’s forgotten about the upcoming test since. Her arms were now just aimlessly wrapped around its hardbound cover.  

“So, you were able to copy?” she inquired. 

Jack stepped away from the setback. “I was supposed to copy?” Skye’s laughter was soon heard. 

The halls of Mystic High were at its morning feel, the buzz of students filled the air and there was this touch of admiration for everyone’s talents to be under one roof. It was a nice scene to see despite god-given wonders, these youths were still just teenagers trying to fit in. And as Jack and Skye walked down slowly, they made no difference. 

“By the way,” Skye started, “I hope I didn’t make you feel uncomfortable with everything I've said to you last night. Either way, I apologize.” 

“No, it’s fine.” He assured her. “I should be the one apologizing for my hand touching a place it wasn’t supposed to touch until—“

“Until what?" she suddenly ventured, forcing them to stop their steps. 

Jack kept silent long enough to be interrupted by one of his teammates, Mack, a freshman with very ambitious goals for his high school experience. He was a nice boy with a head stuck in the clouds. 

“Captain,” he called, jogging over to them. His dirty blond hair shagging with every step he made. 

“Mack,” Jack noted his presence, shifting his focus on the skinny little lower classman. “I told you not to call me “Captain”, I find it uncomfortable.” 

But Mack just ignored him and lifted up the sports page of a gazette, “Have you heard about this?”

Before Jack gave him the benefit of reading the headline, he gestured at Skye, “Aren’t you gonna say hi to Skye?”

“Hi,” the kid quickly said before returning to the matter at hand. “Have you seen the news?”

Jack rolled his eyes and grinned bemusedly. He took a step forward to get a better read at the given article. The page contained a picture of Caleb Tobias making a powerful goal with the headline reading, “Xavier Winnings Stand at 4-0”

Like Mystic High, Xavier Academy was a super hero high school as well, only Xavier was exclusively for boys. It was also Mystic High’s biggest competition in the league of sports, especially in Sonic Soccer. The competition only grew heavier with their school’s captain, Caleb Tobias, was found out to be Jack’s cousin. 

“4-0 huh?" Jack smirked. Mystic High’s rank was 3-1. And of course, their one loss was from Xavier itself. "We can change that. Tell the team to meet up later after last period at the field; we need to tell them the news." 

Sterling nodded, before running off.

After the kid left, Jack turned his eyes back to Skye who was just standing there with him. He chuckled, “Sorry about that. He can get really into it the game.”

She nodded with an amused smile. “I can see. You better beware before he tries to steal your job, Captain.” She teased. 

“Teasing’s not nice,” he played along. 

“So is cupping my breast during a tutorial session, but you did… so please, continue what you were saying before we got interrupted.” She eagerly mischievously pressed. 

She bore up a smile at Jack that just made him stare. He’d never seen her smile that wide before. Come to think of it, last night was the very first time they every really clicked… or even comfortably spoke. It occurred to him to that he and Skye had never made contact despite all the years of being school mates. He suddenly felt bad. He thought Skye to be an amazing girl who has managed to intrigue and tickle his depths in ways he never knew possible in one night—and for the most of that night, she was a nervous wreck. She wasn’t just smart, she was wise and it shined through her captivatingly warm disposition towards people despite her tendency to stay in the shadows. And, to be honest, he found her absolutely beautiful and that smile was just the icing to the cake. 

“You know what, Skye.” He chuckled nervously, “I think we should get to know each other better.” The bell started to ring, signaling the last 5 minutes before the start of class and Jack was slowly starting to back away, “You and I need to hang out.” He called out before finally waving her a goodbye and turning away from her to get to class. 

Skye was stuck like glue to the floor at the last words Jack had left her with. She was blown away by how well things are actually going at the for the time being. She bit her lips back as she attempted to hide a smile from appearing on her lips knowing that the shade of red on her cheeks was trouble enough. 

She drew in a deep breath to compose herself before turning her heel to head to her own class. But her way was blocked by a Mars Salvador who looked to be really pleased. 

“I heard that.” She said. 

“Heard what?” Skye denied, even though she very well knew what Mars was trying to pertain to. 

“God, I was so wrong, Skye!” Mars giggled. “You don’t really need my help anymore, you’re a slut on your own.” 

All Skye could do was roll her eyes and allow her friend to bask in her gloating ways. “Okay, okay—“

“Shh!” Mars suddenly snapped at her. She paused and seemed to look like she was thinking of something deep. Skye watched, trying to get an idea of what was running in her friend’s head. Her question was answered when a smirk came on her face. 

“Oh, no—Mars…!” Skye warned, “Mars—Mary Salvador, whatever it is your plotting—No!” 

But Mars just looked at her with mischief and scheme in her green eyes. “Too late, I’ve already thought it through.”

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