Speak To Me (Usopp x Mute!Reader) Pt. 1

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It was a warm summer night when the Strawhat crew arrived on your small island. Your house was a small shack by the shore. It was comfy, and was just the right size for you. You supported yourself by selling freshly grown produce to the people in town, occasional marines passing through, and sometimes even to pirates. As long as people were friendly, you didn't refuse service to anyone.

There was one problem, though. Ever since an accident 5 years ago that took your parent's lives, you had lost your ability to talk. Something in you just couldn't form words into sentences. Thankfully, the people living in town had gradually learned and accepted this, and were especially understanding about helping you communicate with travelers who didn't know. Outside of your shack, there were several signs warning about your lack of ability to communicate. 

On this specific night, something was off. Nighttime business was not an unusual thing, but 90% of the ships that came at night were pirates. And with pirates comes potential danger. Over the years, your body had trained itself to become familiar with the sound of a ship docking, since you were close enough to the docks to hear it. Any time you heard something unusual, you'd instantly become wide awake. While sometimes it could get annoying, it was a very useful trait, and had saved your life a couple of times.

This night, in that aspect, was no different. You heard the waves crash against wood, and were immediately awake. You grabbed the transponder snail that you kept by your bedside, and called your neighbor. Of course, you didn't say anything, because you couldn't. But the only time you used this transponder snail was for this exact situation. They'd know what to do, and would be watching the docks from a distance, ready with guns trained on the ship.

You quickly grabbed your own gun, rushing to a hiding spot that conveniently hid you in shadow while allowing you to get a clear view of the docking ship.  As you watched, you saw a familiar face throwing an anchor down. At first, it was hard to tell whether it was actually him or not, but the more you looked, the easier it was to tell- It was Roronoa Zoro. That had to mean that these were the notorious Strawhat pirates. With everything that you'd heard about them and the trouble they'd caused, you knew you couldn't win a fight with them, even with the advantage of population.

You'd have no choice but to talk your way out of it.

That is, if you could talk.

For now, you waited, seeing what they'd do. Roronoa Zoro jumped off of the side of their back onto the main deck, and walking over to a bunch of other people, and a reindeer. You recognized some of them from the wanted posters, and started to shake in fear. They could destroy you and everyone else if they wanted. Ironically enough, you were the one who would 'talk' them out of it.

The crew seemed to talk amongst themselves, and finally Strawhat Luffy and two other men who you couldn't quite place hopped off the ship onto the dock. One of the men was blonde. He wore a suit and held a lit cigarette in his hand. The other had very curly/poofy black hair  held back in a ponytail. He had a very long nose, and he held what appeared to be a huge weird-looking staff in one hand. All three of them approached your shack, quickly, looking eager and happy.

You breathe in deeply, keeping quiet. Moving away from the window, you throw on some more presentable clothes so as to not embarrass yourself, and move back to watch them walk up.

To your surprise, the blonde man stops in front of the big sign close to your house. It advertises your produce, and also notifies visitors of your disability. The blonde called to Luffy and the other man, telling them to wait. They were close enough for you to hear their conversation now.

"Luffy, Usopp. Hold on. The sign says that the shopkeeper is mute."

Luffy looked confused. "Does that mean that they can't hear us?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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