The beginning of the end

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Hi I am Melissa, and I have a limited life, such as I am limited of Sex, food,and my appearance. If you wanna know my story I might start here. I was in a party, like about 7 months ago, I was in a party in a house, my work mate invited me because he thought I was very lonely i didn't agree with that, I was in a very lovely relationship you know sex, kissing you know the full package. Until 8 months when I got bitten by a vampire, yeah a VAMPIRE. It might sound crazy but it's true. Remember the party I told you about yeah, well in that same party I don't know exactly what I drank or something, and I remember this really pale white guy come up to me, I think I was already high, drunk or whatever he  took me into these dark room and started taking my cloths off just like him, the last thing I remember is that we were having sex, right after that I saw his face,  and his eyes were red, like blood red, I got scared but I just remember a great pain in my neck, right after that everything went black. I remember that I was waken up by my friend, he told me that I was bleeding from my neck, I was naked, I put my cloths on and went to the bathroom to check my neck. But it was weird not only did I have a bite in my neck but I was also very pale very white, just like the guy from last night. I felt not bad, but with that sensation you get when you are full of energy and that I can do anything I wanted. All i did for the rest of the day was think, think of what had happen, if it had been only my imagination, was it just a bad dream, but if it was fake, how did I wake up naked, why am I so pale, but as the day kept going at night I understood it. When I went to sleep I woke up like an hour later. I felt really tense I was very sweaty right in that moment I went to another world like if I had disconnected and had no control of my body, I was just able to see what my body was doing, I remember my body leaving my room and house, I just remember going into the street and saw this homeless and my eyes turned red and attacked him. I bite his arm and starting biting him all over. Then I woke up in my room I said to my self it was all a bad dream. But right the second I went to my bathroom I saw myself covered in blood I cleaned myself, took a shower and went down stairs and saw the news paper and couldn't believe what I was reading, the neighbors found a dead homeless man corpse and I thought did I really do that...

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