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[ first three chapters go back and forth from past and present if you get confused just commemt and ill try to help you out ♡ thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy!]

growing up i was never a 'cool kid". i was lucky if i didn't get beaten up in the boys bathroom or shoved to fit into a locker.

i guess you could say i wasnt the ideal teen. i was more of the quiet type. I minded my own business, never really made social contact, sat in the back of the class. i wasnt that smart either and when i got into middle school i stopped trying to learn at school. i decided to teach myself.

instead of socializing and taking time to spend with immature brats i sat at home with books from the libraries. i never really was happy or had fun. its just the way things were.

in highschool things got worse. i gained depression and anxiety. the bullying got worse as the days went by. i began to be know as "atarded" and "aloser" by the pleasure of the popular kids. my mother died of breast cancer and my dad was drunk every night. not to mention i still had no friends and no family that lived near by to talk too. so everything was bottled in.

but one day after bottling up your emotions for so long you explode. like when you put mentos in soda and shake it up. thats just what i did.

jared riggins. the same jared who had been bullying me since i was 9 just so happened to experience my explosion. it was in ninth grade.

"hey freak. gonna go and shove your nose back in another science book, nerd!" jared snarled, the two boys behind him laughing.

he grabbed me by my collared shirt spitting in my face as he spoke.

"ready for another ass whooping."

today was not the day. he brought his fist back getting ready to lunge it forward when i threw my knee up into his stomach. he dropped the grip on my shirt and leaned forward. i took the chance to then swing my fist forward against his face as hard as i could.

i had, had enough.

i took my bookbag throwing it at him then slammed his body against the wall.

I dont remember much because afterwards i had passed out due to being so upset. but i ended up being expelled.

even though i wish things wouldve gone differently i dont regret any of it. because being expelled gave me the opportunity to start ice skating. 


the only reason i kept going to the dance studio to practice for skating was because of the boy with blue eyes and blonde hair. he was gorgeous absolutely stunning.

i was 15 and he was 12. the only way i knew that was because he was the youngest of the class.

i never had the guts to talk to him plus half the kids had heard about what i had done. even if he was a transfer student from russia. im sure someone had told him. but he never acted scared around me more like bored and focused on the instructor.

our first incounter was after practice at lunch. i usually sat alone but it wasnt much of a difference compared to school. the rest of the kids sat with each other laughing and playing. I didnt mind. I watched the birds along with the clouds.

i was layed out on the bench of the picnic table, trying to imagine what the clouds looked like when a face leaning over blocked my view. i looked up into the eyes that took my breath away. his blonde hair hung down past his head almost touching my face.

"what are you doing." he asked with his smaller hands on his hips.

I starred up at him, my eyebrows in a knot. he had an attitude to him no doubt. i had to keep in mind he was only 12 and that if i did something to him i might go to juvie.

at the time i didnt know he would be the best thing to ever happen to me.

at the moment i didnt want to be bothered and i was already aggervated due to my dad slurring cuss words at me that morning.

"watching the sky." I sighed, closing my eyes letting the breeze blow over me.

"whats the fun in that?" i heard him ask. i peeked one eye open to look at him now standing up straight. he was looking up at the sky, his expression confused. "I dont get it."

I watched him squint until he ended up laying down in the grass beside me. he watched the sky with bright blue eyes trying to see what i see. he was so small. his skin was the color of porcelain. he was the most beautiful boy id ever seen. no exaggeration. I didnt want to seem as if i was starring so i turned my attention back up to the sky.

what was this kid doing talking to me anyways? is he trying to ruin his reputation? maybe he didnt know about me. hes probably just being friendly.

"look at the clouds. use your imagination." was all i could say. i couldnt remember the last time i had a nice conversation.

it was silent for a moment until i heard a little gasp from beside me. I turned seeing a smile so bright you could go blind if you looked at it too long.

"I see it! I see a dog and a bunny and and- even a sailboat!" he exclaimed excitedly. I rarely smiled. I smiled when it rained. I smiled when i remembered my mom. I smiled when i made an A. but that day i smiled because of this boy.

he turned to me, looking in my eyes. he tilted his head and sat up. "were friends now."

he stuck his hand out for me to shake. i took his smaller hand in mine shaking it.

"im yuri. my friends call me yurio."

"otabek." I told him, still in shock i had a friend.

but after the words came out of my mouth his mouth dropped. oh god he realized who i was. he wont want to be my friend anymore. i scared him away.

"woah! youre that guy that beat up that kid and knocked out two of his teeth! that was awesome!tell me all about it i want to know every detail!"

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