it's a tie (ch 3)

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Greg POV
  "Can't wait for that race I'm taking on some chick called scorch who never loses until now" Takima said. "can't wait for my fight I'm talking on some lame ass person called shadow" I said "in taking someone on called God and from what I've heard she's fucking hot" Seneca said. We got home and changed (pic above) we all got into Jacob  black charger.
  We pulled up to the sidewalk Seneca  got out with his skateboard then me and jacob said good luck  we were about to leave when.
   We  saw some girls in a Lamborghini one got out she had a skeleton mask so we couldn't see who it was she pulled out her skateboard and on the bottom it said God.
  "So that's God, damn she hot" Seneca said. She said something to the girls before they drove off she was walking into the  skate park before me and Jacob yelled at Seneca to go get some this made her stop and look back.
  She took out her phone and typed something then put it away  "bye guys" Seneca said before we drove off.
    jacob POV
     we went to the underground and saw the same Lamborghini greg got out the same time another girl got out of the Lamborghini in a skeleton mask it was the same as the other girls. she was about to go in when the person in the car yelled "bye shadow" she waved bye then walked in.
   I looked at greg "she hot as fuck" I said. All he could do was nod "well see ya later dude" I said before I drove off I then went to the race trak it was in the middle of nowhere it was perfect.  I got out to see the Lamborghini again and the girl I think is the driver was leaning against it texting someone she had on the same skeleton mask as the others so she must be the famous scorch.
  Tamera's pov
  As me and Kailei drove to the underground are phones went off I looked at Kailei "it's from Bell in the group chat she said the guy called snake is Seneca".
  I just laughed "to bad for her" Kailei nods we got to the underground and Kailei got out I  wished her luck and before she walked in I yelled "bye shadow" she waved bye back. then I drove off *few minutes later* I was finally at the place I got out and leaned up against my car I made sure my mask was on before I got out. I took out my phone and saw I got a text in the group chat
In group chat
Bell: "Seneca is snake shit"
Kailei: "Well greg is the person I'm fighting tonight fuck me"
Me: "Haha Bell that's what you get for using me as a human shield in gym and Kailei that's what you get for breaking your alarm clock"
Kailei: "I hope you go to sleep"
Me: "did you just use Jeff's line from creepypasta?"
Kailei: "maby"
Me: "ohh kitty cat what will I do with you"
Kailei: " don't call me that"
Bell: " Tamara I hope you step on a lego"
Me"damn that's just cold"
Kailei: "yep but I gtg"
Bell: "same"
Me: " Oh shit Jacob is viper"
Bell: "hah karmas a bitch"
Kailei: "I was going to say that damm it well bye bye"
Bell: " bye"
Me: "bye kitty cat and Barry"
   I put my phone away and got in my car a girl got in front of are cars and said "ready" we roard are engines she pointed to a girl on her right "steady" she said she pointed to her left "set"another girl said, the girl walked in between us and yelled "GOOO!!!!!".
    We speed off I was in first for the first and second lap then he started catching up we were both tied.
We both crossed the finish line  I stopped my car so I could hear who won and it was a tie I walked over to Jacobs I put my hand out he took it we shook hands "you knew in town I've never seen you around?" he asked "not knew but I can tell you this, you have seen me without my mask". I said before I walked to my car and drove to the underground Kailei was waiting for me outside.
  I pulled up and she got in I told her what happen and she told me they had a tie "how?" I asked a little confused "we kept on hitting each other then when we both went for a final blow and knocked each other out" she said I looked at her before I drove to pick up Bell "I see bruises already forming" she nodded.
   We went to pick bell up we see her waiting on a bench when we get there she comes to us "so what happened" she asked we both told her She said they tied there points.
  "Damm so we all got ties well that sukes"I said they nodded "pluse were supposed to be stealing another gangs shipment of weapons tomorrow" Bell said Kailei looked totally shocked "I fucking forgot all about that goddamn".

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