A Proper Introduction

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( Adams pov)

As I pulled my shirt on and walking down the stairs I could hear one of my favorite bands playing. Bring Me The Horizon and I could also hear muffled side singing as the songs played through. When I finally reached the bottom of the stairs I went toward the laundry room to put the soaked boxers of James Cassells in the dryer so he had something warm to put on when he got out of the shower.

I stood there in the laundry room for a few minutes listening to James sing being that the laundry room was right under my bath room I could hear every word he said as he was showering. Man I thought to my self this can't be happening to me right now I mean how lucky could I be that I got to sleep with the man of my dreams last night. Standing there I thought about the past nights engagements and a small smile came across my face.

Finally I realized that I needed my fix for the day and I'm sure that James would want some too. So I made my way to the kitchen and started up the coffee maker and waited for it to start to brew.

(James pov)

I shut off the water and stood there to let the water run off my body for a second as I opened up the door and found a towel and dried off. Then wrapped it around my mid section and made my way out of the room and to the top of the stairs.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs and I could smell coffee and I followed the scent to where it was coming from and sure enough there he was standing at the sink looking out the window with a cup of joe in his hand. I coughed a little in my throat and he jumped a little and then turned around to see me standing there with my hand wrapped around my towel tightly.

(Adam pov)

I was startled when I heard him cough and I turned around to see him standing there. "Your underwear is in the dryer right now they should be almost done ill go and check them for you".

I walked past him and went for the dryer and opened it to pull out a nice warm pair of Calvin Kline black and white underwear which I now gave to a waiting James standing behind me.

(James pov )

Right as he gave me my underwear back I dropped the towel that I had around me and I watched his eyes move down and a small smile came onto his face. After I pulled my underwear on he asked if I wanted a cup of coffee and I nodded yes and walked behind him back to the kitchen.

After getting a cup of coffee in me I started wondering more and more how I got here.

James: "so how did I get here last night".

Adam: "well you ended up getting really shit faced and found me out side smoking a fag and kinda threw your self at me".

James: "sorry about that, now that explains kinda how I woke up this morning with nothing on".

Adam: "ya by the time we were inside my house you just started taking your cloths off left and right I think your shirt was thrown behind the couch. And by the time we made it up stairs and into my room you were all over me and pushed me down to the bed and just started ripping my cloths off".

James: "sorry about that I'll pay for any cloths that I might have ruined in my alcohol induced sex rage".

Adam: "ya you were pretty rough with me last night I think I still have dig marks on my ass but it's all good and you don't have to replace my cloths not when that was one of the best nights iv had in a long time".

James: "are you sure and not to be rude but in all the fun we had last night I didn't catch your name".

Adam: "oh that alright you were really smashed like I said earlier. its Adam Moddox by the way".

James: "my names James Cassells so you know"

Adam: "oh I knew your name I mean your the drummer for Asking Alexandria of course I would know who you are".

James: "ya I kinda figured when I saw your tattoo earlier today as James points toward his own crotch".

Adam: "Adam slightly blushes a little so you liked that did you well I plan on getting more soon".

James: "ya I love it when people get tattoos to support my band mates and me".

Adam: "sweet maybe one day we both can get a tattoo done together, also when you want to go home I'll give you a ride to where ever you want".

James: "I should maybe put some more cloths on sense how I'm sitting here on your bar stool in nothing but my underwear".

Adam: "oh I don't mind but I'm sure that others who are out today might not appreciate the view as much as I would".

James: "I'm really glad that I came home with you last night instead of some slag that would have been a one night stand. But I think I better go and get dressed so you can take me back to Danny's so the rest of the gang don't start to worry to much about me".

I started back up the stairs and into the bed room to look for my cloths I only found my black belt and charcoal grey skinny jeans on the floor. So I put them on first and decided to head back down stairs only after grabbing my phone from the nightstand.

As I came downstairs I found Adam fishing out my shirt from the back of the couch. I just stood there and watched him bend over and give me a good view of his ass. Right as he turned around he found me in the act and just smiled. "Here's your shirt" he said and handed it to me and started to walk to the front door.

Adam locked the front door of his duplex and me and him started walking down the street to a side ally where his car was parked. We both got in and he roared the engine to life and headed on to the street.

As we came onto the street Adam switched on his radio and put in All That Remains and turned it up loud and I hummed to the songs as he drove. After a few minutes I started getting texts from Ben.

Ben: "Hey don't forget we have a meet and greet at 3 this afternoon so try and be here at least a half and hour before we have to leave".

James: "Don't worry I'm on my way to Danny's right now to meet up with you all".

Ben: "Good I can't wait till you get here so you can tell me about all the horny details from last night :)".

Ugh I thought to my self how am I going to tell the rest of the mates that I didn't come home with some slag last night and that I actually came home with a really awesome guy who I might be falling for.

(20 minutes later)

As Adam pulled up the car to the front of Danny's house so I could get out I asked for his phone number so that way I could see him again and maybe we could go and get lunch or something maybe even drinks again and maybe I wouldn't get so shit faced to where I couldn't remember anything.

Right before I got outta the car Adam pulled me close to him and gave me one more passionate kiss. As our lips connected I opened my mouth to let his tongue slip inside. After a second I pulled away and got outta the car and said good bye.

I stood there for a moment to try and calm my self down only to realized that some one was watching me from the front door. It was Ben and he had a look of surprise and shock on his face and his mouth hung open. I ran as fast as I could to the front door only to see Ben sprint out the back door and into the back yard.

I finally caught Ben. "Ben it's not what it looks like can't I just explain Ben turns around with a hurt shocked look on his face. "Sorry that I ran I just didn't expect to see that well I was standing in the front door" after me and Ben both calmed down we both went back inside to sit in the living room so I could explain this whole ball of wax to Ben.

A/N sorry that it took me so long to update its just I wanted to make sure that I ended chapter two with a good ending and I hope that all of you who are reading it are enjoying it post comments and tell me what you think please :) I'm open to criticizing.

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