Blood Bite

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Blood Bite

By JellyBooBoo (AngiiBooBoo and UJelly_)

I felt out of place. It was necessarily the first time I had felt this. I mean, there was a certain extent to how welcome you feel when you are the only female within a group of men holding guns as you can hardly lift one. Well unfortunately, this was my predicament at this moment.

I fiddled with the gun as the other guys crept forward through the dark streets like a professional swat team. They used their hands to make a weird sign language that I didn't understand and suddenly they were all creeping down an alleyway.

"Stupid thing." I whispered and smacked the palm of my hand against the gun.


"What the hell are you doing?" I jumped at the male voice from behind me. I spun around and glared at Daniel, one of the men, who was looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm setting up my gun." I retorted and started pressing buttons. What kind of gun has a set of buttons. I frowned and Daniel seemed to notice the movement.

"I still have no idea why you are here, Paige. Why were you picked to be a keeper when it's bluntly obvious that you're useless?" Daniel groaned.

Well that was a bit mean. I raised my eyebrows at Daniel then a small blush of embarrassment covered my cheeks. I'm not completely useless...I mean why would I be chosen as a keeper if I was truly incompetent.

"You haven't even killed a single evil creature yet." Daniel carried on muttering.

I frowned as I realized that he was right. I hadn't killed a single supernatural creature and seeing as I was a keeper, it was pretty sad. Keepers are humans that have been chosen from birth to keep supernatural creatures in line. When a crazy vampire starts going on a killing spree, we have to capture it, or in most cases kill it.

I didn't particularly want to be a keeper. My family was ecstatic when they found out I was a keeper as I could carry on from my father's footsteps...but the only thing I had killed is a fly in my room a year ago. And I still felt guilty.

I wasn't really the killing, macho, gun holding type. I was more of the negotiating, butterflies and flowers kind of girl. I fainted at the sight of blood, felt sick at any injuries which is how getting bruises has become a large problem and I have a habit of falling over my own feet.

I don't trip on anything, I just fall. The only thing around me is are and yet I still manage to just...fall. Daniel walked up to me and snatched the gun out of my hands and played around with it for a second. I tried to pay attention but his hands were moving too fast and I literally had no idea what he was doing.

"There." Daniel practically growled and shoved the gun back into my hands. "Try to be less useless next time."

I stuck my tongue out at his back as he walked ahead of me towards the rest of the men. The only other problem was that there were hardly any female keepers. That fact alone was depressing enough as each and every day in training; it was just testosterone everywhere...extremely attractive testosterone.

Hormones can frequently get the best of me. I lazily walked over to where the rest of the men were huddled around with their guns pointed. I heard them talking through the bandana's they tied over the bottom half of their faces. There was a ferocious hiss in response and from that alone; I knew it was a vampire.

The sound of a creature would always set me on edge. It never seems to bother the other men but being the pathetic idiot that I seem to be, anything could scare me. I didn't crouch like the rest of the men as they walked, I just walked.

I came to a stop a few feet away from them and frowned as the man's voice got louder and I heard a thud before a loud hiss and snarl. My eyes widened when everyone flicked the safety off their guns and tightened their grips.

And this was the part I hated. But I had to be there. I would never participate and I even hung my gun limply in my hand to the side. I didn't want to hurt them, though I knew they were dangerous. They were killers and could hurt others but even so; it didn't feel good to take part in the killing.

I closed my eyes as I heard another thud and a loud snarl. I peeked my eyes open and glanced over everyone's shoudlers to see a vampire looking just over my age of eighteen though I knew that he was much older. His fangs were bared and his talons were long and sharp. He crouched down into an attacking stance and I closed my eyes as he lept to prance on the men.

Several bangs echoed down the alleyway followed by a screech and a thud. I swallowed the sick feeling that crept up my stomach and sighed.

One more down.

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