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Blood Bite

JellyBooBoo (UJelly_ & AngiiBooBoo)

''Paige, why are you screaming?!'' Daniel snapped at me. ''D-didn't you hear that noise?!'' I yelled, my eyes scanned the area around us, my watery eyes searched for the sound that almost had me in tears.

He rolled his eyes, ''Yes. It was the sound of a cat meowing.'' 

I raised my hands in surrender, and threw them back down. All the men that we were with ducked and dodged away from the gun I was holding. ''I'm not going to--''


''Okay, who gave permission for Paige to have a gun?'' A male voice said, my jaw almost dropped to the ground. ''It was a mistake'' I mumbled underneath my breath. ''Give me your gun.'' Daniel ordered with a harsh tone.

''No.'' I hid my gun at the back of my trousers. 

Daniel glared at me, but I didn't back down. Suddenly he turned around with a deep breath and continued walking with the rest of the guys.

Oh nice! They just left the girl at the back. Charming.

The chilly night had me rubbing my free hand on my bare skin, I had goosebumps all over my arms.

By now,  we had--I mean, they had already killed one blood thirsty vampire, luckily it wasn't fast enough, even though vampires are fast, just not faster then guns.

Whilst everyone had shot the vampire in the chest, neck or head, I had fired my gun at the sky. 

Don't ask me why because I won't know the answer either.

The vampire was set on fire, and before we could witness the vampire burning, we had continued to find the next vampire.

This time, I felt more serious and nervous. The nerves were finally hitting in, as I could tell by the face's of the other men that they were truly trying to find this vampire.

I didn't dare ask what was so special about this next creature since I could tell I was annoying all of them, even just by breathing.

Harsh, I know.

I had quietened my heavy breathing as Daniel turned his head over his shoulder and placed his index finger to his mouth, ordering me to be more quiet. Because it does sound like I'm having a asthma attack at the moment.

''Sorry'' I apologized for my heavy breathing quietly.

I listened to the silent whispers and mumbles of the men in front of me, their eyes were looking up, down, behind to check if they see anything suspicious.

But of course they weren't checking up on m--.


I tripped face first into the ground. The sound of my body hitting metal echoed the dark alleyway. ''Are you being frickin serious?'' Daniel was at the edge of his temper.

I had tripped over.

A bin lid.

''Can you look at for where you're going next time? Or there really won't be a next time you're on this mission.'' Daniel growled at me.

I nodded my head, ''Sorry. It won't happen again.''

Daniel turned back toward the men, and before he was with them I heard him mumble, ''Damn right it won't.'' 

I bit my bottom lip, I was starting to feel as if I was not wanted here. I mean, I always knew that, but before I didn't mind, but now I was.

The feeling was horrible, something that I didn't want to feel again.


The sound of another vampire had a forced whimper escape my shaking mouth. 

Not another one!

''Get down'' Daniel ordered to all of us, and we all crouched down to our ankles. 

The men had raised their weapons to where they think the sound was.

Another angry hiss had all the men firing their guns to anywhere.

''Stay there!'' Daniel pushed me to the side, where I wouldn't be hit by any bullets. 

I had closed my eyes, I tried my best to ignore the sounds of guns.

Groan's of pains, and a lot of hissing. 

''Hello there, young one.'' A deep male voice said behind me, it was so quiet I barely heard it.

I turned my head over my shoulder, and there was nothing there.

It must be my head playing tricks with me.

I cocked my gun, so that the safety was off. I remember one thing that Daniel taught me.

''Where is it!?'' A voice shouted, I could tell that person was very unpatient. 

''I'm right here'' The same deep voice whispered to the side of me, and this time when I looked, there was something actually there.

Or you could say someone.

''HEL--'' Before I could finish my sentence, the wanted vampire crashed his pale, slender looking hand on my mouth. I bit his hand, he hissed in pain, but didn't move his hand.

''Don't make a sound, or you'll regret it.'' The vampire bared his shiny, white fangs at me. 

The bright moon was reflecting on the vampire's black hair. 

I nodded my head, and the vampire released my mouth.

I slowly moved my eyes away from his dark eyes to look for my gun, and it was all the way behind him. 

Shoot! I must of dropped it in shock when I saw him.

''So little one, why are you here?'' I furrowed my eyebrows, I looked the vampire up and down, not in a sexual way. 

The vampire was wearing dark clothes, he could easily blend in with the night. 

His icy, pale skin was whiter than snow, hair darker then night, and skin colder then ice. His eyes more evil than the Devil himself.

''Here to find you.'' I replied back, slowly.

I gulped painfully, my hands started to shake in fear.

A vampire was a feet away from me, and I didn't have my gun. And I have no idea what the guys were doing now, I could hear their voices, but they sounded much further away then before.

''Well you found me.'' The vampire replied, he looked my age, or a little older. But we all know that vampire's don't age, and he must of been a couple of hundred year's older.

''But I'm afraid, I'm going to have to leave now. Go, join your friends'' The vampire flashed his cheeky smirk, but there was no good in that smirk.

He had a plan, a bad one, and I had no idea what it was.

''Off you go.'' I got up and brushed my trousers from the dirt. ''I'll see you soon, Paige.'' The way he said my name echoed my head, it will definitely have me having nightmares all night. 

How did he know my name?!

I ran, that's the only thing I could do. 

Run, and that's what I did, until I was closer to Daniel and the rest of the guys.

''Hey guys, wait up!'' I yelled.

Oh darn it, I left my gun!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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