Chapter 3.

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- How's the dog? - he never greets me.

- Fine. - I shrug and keep staring out of the window.

- What "fine"? Give me her.

- She's not here at the moment.

- Then go after her! - I can feel his angriness and If we'd be face to face right now, I know he'd kill me with pleasure.

- I can't, everything is fine. 

- Has someone looked after her?

- No, what the fuck Set?

- I know that you're lying and when this will be over, you'll be over too.

I nod sarcastically, tought it might be 99,9% true.

- Is that all? - I ask, wanting this conversation faster to end.

- You should enjoy your life while you can.

He hangs up the phone and I keep standing uncomfortably. 

I throw my phone in the bed and light another cigarete. Where did the previous one go? 

I make my way back to the living room. Edgar is waching some shit again. I don't even care. Why I'm with him?

He needs to go. Now. All our pretend-we're- best-friends-thetre has been oficially ended. 

- You need to get the fuck out of my house. - I say and he turns his head at me.

- Damn, you're moody!

- And now leave. - I can feel my blood pumping up. Sometimes I hate my agresivness but I can't stop it right now and It's only growing.

- C'mon, we had so good time! - He is still joking around but there's no jokes in my head anymore. I'm pissed of, hardly pissed off and Edgar is an obstacle that can be destroyed if he doesn't leave.

Edgar stands up and looks deeply in my eyes. Yes, Edgar, yes! It was because of the phone call, congratulations go work as a detectiv!

Edgar walks past me, I can't believe he is even playing this dumb game but I ignore it.

- I tought we were friends. - he dramatises even more, while opening the outdoor.

- You're thinking too much. - I say and with that Edgar leaves my house and I can sink in this peace. I don't feel peace at all.

Senatra, Senatra... She's probably hungry.

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