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She stared at her reflection in the mirror as she placed the silk, white veil on the top of her head.

She then patted down her dress, but stopped herself to look at the intricate design on her lace sleeves that reached down to the tip of her middle finger.
The skirt of her dress puffed out a little, with a train reaching almost to the other end of the room.

She looked at herself once more in the polished glass mirror.

This was not what she wanted.

She did not and will not ever love the man she's about to marry.
Her heart belongs to another.

"I'm so proud of you." Her mother stood behind her, a wide grin spread across her face.

The girl felt her eyes begin to water, quickly allowing a single cold, salty tear to drip down her cheek.

Her mother furrowed her eyebrows and wiped away the tear, scolding her for even risking the chance of her perfectly applied makeup.

The girl stared at herself in the mirror once more after her mother left.

Sure, she looked more gorgeous than ever.
Sure, this wedding would make sure she will always be finically secure.
And sure, it's what everyone wants for her.

Except for that one person...
He knows what it's like.

Just like him, she doesn't care about wealth, or having a 'perfect life'.
She cares about love.

The dress was rather elegant.
But this is not her
This is not what she wants.
This is not what she wants her life to become.
She has to get out.

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