year 845

5 0 0

death, is what we all are destined for from the start. It chases us like a dog and a rabbit until it finally catches up. The titans might as well be that dog, it's only a matter of time before they get in, and when they do there will be no more hiding. If only there was a way to erase of them of this world, stop being cattle in the pen.

You opened your eyes staring at a caterpillar crawling in the grass by your face. "your just like us." you murmured, picking the creature up with your index finger and thumb, bringing it close to your face. "just one squeeze and you die, so i guess we are the titans to you." you squeezed the caterpillar's sides, watching it squirm in the uncomfortableness. "Y/N!" you looked up when someone called your name, sitting up, still with the caterpillar in you hand. Mikasa and Eren were running to you, or lets just say Mikasa, she was dragging Eren behind her. 

"Hey Mikasa!" you yelled back waving your hand around forgetting the caterpillar was there.

"What are you doing?" She asked you when she sat down in front of you Eren also sitting down. 

"well i was taking a nap, and talking too my new friend." you showed them the caterpillar who was now still. "or he was my friend* you put him down and much to your disappointment it wasn't alive. You looked back up at them "so what are you guys doing?"

"we were gathering wood for home but Mikasa seen you and decided to come over here." Eren answered. You smiled looking over at the stoic girl.
"you care!" "of course i do.....why wouldn't I?"you giggled at this and stood up with them. 

"we have to get going" Mikasa said in her usual blunt voice. You nodded agreeing, "I do too mum won't be happy me missing dinner."

As you walked your separate ways you heard the bells announcing the arrival of the scouts returning, ecstatic you ran down to see them only to be stopped and look in sadness as they walk, men missing body parts, others dead, the commander even looked haunted. Were's my brother? you thought looking at them as they passed. One of your brother's friends looked over, scanning the crowd. Once his eyes met your shinning ones his face turned sorrow and tears welled up in them as he stepped out of line kneeling in front of you. 

"Y/N, i'm sorry, i couldn't protect him and bring him back to see you one more time..." he took something out of his pocket and handed it to you. "this, his diary, and a bracelet he made for you, I know he would want you to have them." You looked up at him as he hugged you and walked back into line. Shutting out the world you looked down. W-What, he can't be, he promised he would come home. 

You turned away running down the cobblestone street to your house tears streaming down your face. CRASH!  you stopped dead in your tracks when you heard the sound of bricks breaking and people screaming. Watching debris fly around you slowly turned to see a head of a titan disappear and a huge hole in the wall. w-what?! no no..... Without thinking twice you ran in the direction of the hole. 

Seeing your friend Armin you called out "Armin! Armin!" He looked at you as you ran, his eyes wide and petrified looking. you grabbed his shoulders and hugged him. "are you alright? Where's Eren and Mikasa?" you asked looking around still holding his shoulders.

"Th-they ran off in the direction of their house....I sent Hans after them..." he trailed off. You nodded and let him go "go find your grandpa....i need to find my mom." you said running off in the direction of your mother's shop.

The shop was in one piece when you got there but the thundering steps of the titans was loud as they neared. "Mom!" you called crashing through the door and up the stairs to find her, seeing her near the window you ran up and grabbed her arm. "come on mom, their coming, we can make it out if you just move!" You yelled tugging on your arm. She only looked at you with a distant look. "your father is supposed to be here..." Your eyes widen as you tugged on her arm. "come on we will see him again if we just leave.....please." you begged her, tears forming in your eyes.

Her eyes widened and she moved with you, coming back down to earth and understood your current situation. She rushed forward, picking you up and hurried down stairs and outside, but froze when she looked into the eyes of a titan. Not moving she stayed there. "Mom come on move, please, mom!" you screamed and yelled, kicking your legs, trying to encourage her to move. The titan reached out its hand and picked you and your mother up bringing you close to it's face. You heard the familiare zip of the 3DM gear and looked down to see your father, in his garrison suit making his way towards you guys and the titan. "ALICIA! Y/N!" your mother looked down when he yelled that and tears welled up in her eyes. "JACK! take y/n to the boats please....don't worry about me!" she called holding you out as you thrashed.

"NO mom no i can't leave you please!" Not listening to your pitiful wailing she dropped you, looking down at you giving you a sad smile and calling out, "I love you y/n always remember that!" your father caught you and without a second of hesitation started zipping towards the boats. You thrashed and cried out as you watched the titan bite into her, your tears never stopped as you yelled.

Your father set you down on the boat and grabbed your shoulders looking you in the eyes. "listen to me y/n. i will be gone only for a little bit okay? you'll see me don't worry." he said slowly as you nodded your tears drying. "yes papa." you said meekly as he got up and zipped away.

You felt someone grab your shoulder and a soft voice say. "y/n..." you looked and seen mikasa with a tearful Eren behind her. "h-hey Mikasa." you said weakly. She smiled and hugged you, a distant look in her eyes, goddesses know what they just seen. The boats started moving and you looked at the people who were screaming to get on. Little did you know this was only the beginning of an adventure you were about to have.

A/N I know this sounds pathetic but this took fucking forever to make...i'm bad at this stuff so bear wit me....okai bye stay tuned or the next chapter!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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