Bonus Chapter 0.1

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[Bonus Chapters are all in Yi Eun's POV]

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[Bonus Chapters are all in Yi Eun's POV]

Today was the day she arrived in Miri. Her. My wife. Go Hae Ri.

No. We didn't marry out of love. It was just the typical arranged marriages chaebols have.

Both of us were the heirs to our family's company. Getting marriage would benefit both companies of course. The calculations were done just perfect.

I decided to stop thinking of the company. Thinking about it only gave me a headache. My parents have called again, pursuading me to stop my research and to study economics and management but I had just brushed it off. I wasn't into those business stuff. Not even if I was the sole heir. But still, deep inside me, I knew that one day I would still have to manage the company. In the meantime, I will just continue what I passionately loved.

Yes. I loved science. I loved making the unknowns known. I love seeing how the equation would be balanced. I loved systems.

And now, Hae Ri was coming to disrupt my system. But it wasn't like I could argue. I signed the papers already. I was bounded to her already.

I don't know why, but thinking that I was bounded to someone, that I have a family I had to support now, makes me feel good actually. It felt like the missing piece in this puzzle of mine was completed.

I shook my head and continued reading the thesis I had came up with. Some parts just didn't feel right. I have so much issues to rectify.

I checked the clock-11pm. I checked my
phone. My message to her was still unreplied. I shrugged it off. She probably arrived here yet. I had forgotten to check with her parents on her flight details. I had too much on my plate these days. Time
was ticking and my deadline was reaching. I had not slept more than 8 hours accumulative for the last week. So it means I had awake for 160 hours already. Gosh, I'm so tired.

I leaned back onto my chair and looked at the laptop. I shut it down and took my keys, taking the route to the airport. The travelling time from my apartment to the airport took a period of time as well.

I gave myself a glance at the mirror and sighed. I looked so unpresentable. She is going to be my wife afterall. I should make some effort to impress her as well.

I ruffled my hair while putting on a fresh set of attire and put on my favourite cologne. I don't know why but I found lavender to be a very nice scent. I have grown attached to it and almost everything  I had was lavender scented.

I took the lift down to where the carpark was and drove to the airport. I played
some random songs on the radio while
tapping my fingers on the wheels. My nerves were surprisingly unsettled and in the same time I felt excited.

I felt excited to meet her again.  Our first meeting had been brief but I was enticed by the strong look she had on her face as our parents went through the arrangements with her. By then, most
girls would have thrown a tantrum
or simply disagree but she didn't. She simply nodded her head and abide by what her parents told her to do.

I was amazed no joke. She just turned 18 for god's sake. It was supposed to be the time of her life but no, she had to be married to a random person. Not like I was a bad candidate for a husband but still, doesn't she have someone that admires
at school or something? I mean this is how
teenagers should be like.

Looking at her, she didn't seem like the average teenage girl. And that made me really curious about her.

As I pull into the driveway of the airport, I was shocked to find it so dark. I bit my
lip as I parked somewhere near the entrance and made my way down the car. I didn't know that the airport here was not
24 hour. I cursed under my breath as I made my way to the entrance to find her.  She probably arrived.

I heard sobs coming from the side
and I advanced towards that direction. I saw a girl, sitting on the suitcase, crying.

"Hae Ri?" I called out and she looked up. Although it was a different expression, I recognized her immediately. Go Hae Ri.

"Yah!" She got up and within the split of a second I was thrown into her embrace.

My breath hitched for a moment as I felt her tiny arms clutching onto my sleeves tightly as she sobbed in my chest.

I felt an urge to comfort her, to wipe her tears away, to tell her that everything is fine, that I'm here and I'm sorry but weird enough, none of these came out from my mouth as I looked at her crying stance cluelessly.

And it was then I made a pact to myself. To be never late for Hae Ri again.

 To be never late for Hae Ri again

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