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Author:    poltergeist_people


I glared at the vampire before me, pressing myself against the bars of my 'cage' before dropping the glare and offering him my sweetest grin, "once I get out of her I'm going to kill alllll of you!" I swept my arms out wide, my grin turning feral, "I'm going to rip out all of your throats and see how you like your blood being drained from your neck." The vampire flashed his fangs at me in an equally menacing grin, "you can try that all you want, after the auction." I was tempted to spit in his face but I really did not want to be whipped...again. ~~~ Calla, an 18 year old human girl has always lived her life on the run, but was captured by vampires and forced into auction at a high end 'pet shop' where any wealthy vampire can buy her and proceed to do as they please until they decide to kill her. Pessimistic, rude, and short fused Calla is one hell of a handful, one most vampier's don't want to bother with...until him.

Status: Completed with a sequel

Category: Vampire

Extra notes: mature scenes are included in this book, the author recommends this to not be read by anyone under the age of 13

Personal opinion: This book is very well written and has a good story line, i fan-girled waayyy to hard in this (which was very much needed) and i shed a tear..... or 20. This book is for mature audiences only and does have a slight kink vibe to it, i still highly recommend this to any mature person.

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