2. A Kiss For Thanks

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I haven't written or uploading anything for this story in a long time and I apologize, I just didn't think I could do anything good with it, but I'll try!


Clio's P.O.V

His eyebrows raised in surprise and shock as he returned the stare but that glimpse in his eyes quickly came back and I could see he was fighting a smile. It took me another second to realize what had just happened, but once I did I panicked and exclaimed "Get off me at once!"

He did as he was told but helped me up on my way and turned his face in the other direction as I frantically pulled on my dress to straighten it and quickly looked around to make sure to servant had seen what had just happened. I automatically fixed my hair and I could feel my cheeks redden in embarassment. Kieran turned back to me with a smile, "Are you alright my lady?"

"Don't pretend like you care. You enjoyed that!" I screeched.

"Oh but I do, it would be my head if you got hurt." He smirked.

"I'm glad you're so concerned about my well-being."--I said emphasizing the 'my'--"I ought to report you right now, we'll see how well you can smirk without that head of yours."

"I didn't do anything wrong though, I only tried to save your highness from falling to the ground, and accidentally slipped."

"It doesn't matter what you say, I can twist it into another story and have you thrown in prison." I smiled smugly.

"I know you wouldn't do that. You'd end up missing me." His smile grew bigger.

He was great at toying with me, and I replied with "Missing you? I would never."

"Don't deny it, lady Clio. I'm the only one here that dares say what I think, and dares to talk back to you. Whether you know it or not, you like the difference. I'm sure getting anything you want at the snap of your fingers must get tiresome after awhile."

My cheeks reddened even more, but this time through anger. It bothered me how right he was, but I couldn't give him the satisfaction of letting him know he had hit home with that comment. Not sure how to reply, I responded with "It doesn't matter whatever your reason is, your not allowed to speak to me in this way."

"Maybe not, but I'm a slave. I might not have a terrible life as a slave, but I've still lost all my free-will so what do I have to loose? I might as well keep life as risky and exciting as possible until I, as you said, loose my head or die in any other way." He said seriously, dropping his smirk. He had clearly meant what he said, and he obviously missed his freedom. But why should he? We paid him with good food and a great roof over his head, even if he was a free man, he would never be able to obtain anything better than what we gave him. I had no spart reply that would continue our...verbal battle...He had won that round, or at least, he had stopped it. He realized I wouldn't say anything more, and bowed slightly while saying "Well I must be going then, prince William is waiting for me at the stables. It was a pleasure to see you, my dear Lady, and I apologize for any embarassment I may have caused you." He winked and walked past me.

There was something about Kieran that made him both charming and annoying at the same time. He managed to be respectful, but in a teasing way. He got on my nerves, that was true, but he was interesting. I did kind of like the difference, but I didn't like him, and that I kept telling myself.

* * *

Weeks passed and Kieran's annoyance grew and grew unbearably. Whenever I'd see him in the halls and we were both alone, a war of arguments and words would break out until one of us won or we were interrupted by servants or nobles. It was time for my father's annual winter ball, which was just an excuse for him to hunt for a suiting husband for me, and a beautiful woman for William while increasing his own 'good' reputation by serving the finest wines and foods.

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