What happened

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-you wake up to the sound of what sounds like a siren, you walk outside and see Cameron on a stretcher-

*walking up to mom*
Y/n: what's going on?

Mom:your brother gave Cameron severe concussion I think, idk but his head seems beat up

Y/n: *tears up* No??! What's gonna happen?

Mom: i don't know at this point all we can do is hope

Y/n: can we visit him

Mom: yes of course

Paramedic Jackson: hello I'm Jackson I'll be here for you both along the way if you'll please follow me this way
*leads you towards ambulance*
*you get on the ambulance and paramedic Jackson tries closing the doors but gets stop by a cop that tapped him on the shoulder*

Officer jones: hello is Elizabeth Grier here??

Mom: yes what's wrong sir

Officer jones: hello ma'am I'm officer jones and I just wanted to let you know that your son Nash Grier is gonna be held at the county jail for a federal act of assault and if u can pick him up tomorrow?

Mom: yes of course

Officer jones: ok sounds good have a good day

Mom: likewise

-as your in the ambulance Cameron is asleep u lay on his chest whispering I love you-

-the heart monitor Cameron was connected to starts beeping louder and faster-
-at the hospital doctors rom every corner come and rush Cameron into a room-

*at the sight of all this YOUR in tears finally*

-your pov-
-I don't know what to do all this is going down hill Nash knew I loved him that's why he told me not to get close but he didn't have to go to this extent...I'm gonna go visit Cameron hopefully he gets better-

-you feel a pat in your shoulder-


Doctor: don't worry miss its just me doctor Allen are you his mother or sister

Y/n: in his girlfriend Igz you can say

Doctor: ok well Igz I'll tell you that Cameron seems to be missing a lot of blood we've already put him on a waiting list but we have to wait for a donor for now he'll be as we call it here "on hold" but if we don't find a donor in 4 weeks we have to pull the plug

-hand on your face and tears in your eyes-

Y/n: ok I understand

My Brothers Bestfriend {a Nash and cameron story}Where stories live. Discover now