Home For Christmas

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         I was already awake at three in the morning on Christmas morning when Jack came in to wake me up. "You're awake already." He pouted playfully, his energy reminding me of a child. "Just wasn't tired." I lied. I was extremely tired, but I couldn't ignore the sense of betrayal in my heart, even though Amy and I weren't officially dating. I had no idea where she even was, and even though Jack and Signe were here, I felt so alone. "C'mon then, up ye get!" Jack once again dragged me out of bed. I plastered on a fake smile when I entered the kitchen, the smell of waffles and sizzling bacon filling the room with it's wonderful aroma. "It's Amy, isn't it?" Signe smiled sympathetically, handing me a plate of food with coffee. "I'm f-" "Mark." Signe warned. "Yeah, I just wish she would've said goodbye." I confessed, taking a bite of bacon. "Maybe she'll be back soon." Jack suggested, drowning his waffles in syrup and chocolate chips. "Maybe." I echoed doubtfully. "The tree's up, but we waited for you so we could decorate it." Signe pointed in the living room. "Cool." I mustered up what enthusiasm I could, continuing to eat my breakfast. Signe and Jack exchanged glances, finishing their breakfast before bringing me into the living room. Only two presents were under the tree, both if them for me. "Let's decorate!" Jack exclaimed. I grabbed the box full of decorations for the tree, passing it to Jack. I almost laughed when he got tangled in the string of multicolored lights. Almost. "Amy-" "Sh, doubt ruin the surprise!" Signe shushed Jack mid sentence. "Is there something you're not telling me about Amy? Is she okay?" A million bad case scenarios ran through my head as they went silent. "She's fine." Jack finally said before turning his attention back towards the tree. "I'm going to go take Chica for a walk." I beckoned Chica over go me. "Do you want me to come with you?" Signe offered. "I'll be back soon." I walked outside, instantly regretting that I forgot to grab a coat but not wanting go go back inside and get it. The snow was still thick outside from yesterday and was continuing its steady drizzle of snowflakes that stuck in my hair. I rubbed my arms as I started walking with Chica, loosing my footing as she took off at a run. I lost my grip on the leash, falling on my back on the ice. I wheezed in pain, struggling to stand up with put falling over again as I chased after Chica. She finally skidded to a halt in front of someone didn't expect to find. "Amy." I whispered.


        It was early in the morning when my plane touched down, but I didn't care. I wanted to see Mark. I felt awful for leaving without saying goodbye, and I had no idea if Jack and Signe had already left, which would leave him alone on Christmas. I had taken a taxi to Mark's neighborhood and was walking to his house when a familiar figure bounded towards me, sliding across the ice. "Hey Chica!" I laughed as she nearly bowled me over, skidding to a halt as she panted happily. I noticed that a leash was attached to her collar. When I looked up, I saw Mark staring at me. "Amy." He said softly. He looked like a mess, his bare arms blanketed in goose bumps, red hair a tangled mess and peppered with snowflakes, and his chocolate brown eyes were bloodshot. "Hey." I awkwardly waved, offering him Chica's fallen leash. He enveloped me in a hug instead, his lips crashing against mine as I ran my hands through his hair wet with snow. We finally broke off after a couple of seconds, blushing madly. "C'mon, you'll get a cold out here." He picked up Chica's leash. "Says you, you're not even wearing a coat!" I scoffed. "I've got my love, to keep me warm." He sang, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek as he opened the door. "Hey-" Signe noticed me, her smile brightening. I had called Signe and Jack and had told them I would be coming so I could surprise Mark. Jack stopped decorating the tree, coming over to hug me. "Otp." He whispered in my ear. I lightly punched him in the arm as I observed the knotted line of lights. "I can't untangle it." Jack admitted sheepishly, hanging it to Mark who easily fixed it and wrapped it around the tree. I helped hang up ornaments, singing Christmas carols at the top of my lungs, trying but failing to match Jack's volume. Once that was finished, it was time to unwrap presents. Mark started with the one Jack and Signe got him that was wrapped in neon green. "Thanks!" Mark exclaimed when he tore it open. Inside was a new pair of black headphones. "No problem." Jack smirked as he moved onto the next present that was from me. He hesitated before unwrapping it, pulling something out of his pocket and handing it to me. It wss a little bag, and inside was a beautiful ring. "You know, for decoration until you get the real deal." Mark winked. "It's beautiful!" I gasped, hugging him tightly. "Now open your gift!" I urged. He rolled his eyes as he opened it, a bit confused. It was my black suitcase. He opened it and inside was all of my personal belongings. "I want to move in with you." I told him. His eyes widened in surprise, attention shooting from the suitcase to me. "I'd like that." He hugged m again. "Mistletoe!" Jack waved it in front of his face. Mark didn't seem to mind as we passionately kissed. Now I'm home for Christmas, I thought as Mark and Jack started talking excitedly to each other, Signe and I watching them in mild amusement.

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