Agent 001 (An IM5 fanfic)

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My life was not a life you would have wanted to live. I was discovered in an alley as a baby and sent to orphanage. when i had turned 8 the orhanage sent me to a juevenille correctinal faciliaty. It wasn't cuz i was bad, the orphanage just ran out of room. Life became hell. I was the weekest of them all. Took me years to learn the ways of the convicts. One day me and couple friends managed to eacape. but as soon as we heard sirens everyone for themselves. we all split up. some guys found me after me at age eleven. thats when i became part of the sex trade. it was the longest 2 years of my life. one day of the many i espcaped (i espcaped many times but they managed to find me) and ran farther than any other time. A helicopter picked me up and told me that if i wanted to live to hop in. Me being the girl with the dark past and no future i leaped. Not just into a helicopter but into hope for a better life. The service took me in and was good to me. they put me in school and in training. I became the best adolecemt super secret agent there was. And now was given the top mission .Find and kill agent 004. He Was last identified as a member of The band IM5. which member?Well thats why they sent me. He covered up his tracks and messed up everyone else's. my mission? To find and kill him. Why? Ive learned to not ask the service too many questions. Those who do end up dead.

HEY HOME SLICES! This is my first ever story on wattpad! I would love to hear your feedback on every chapter and I'm really not sure how often i will be updating because musical season can get pretty hectic.

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