If Only I Would've Listened

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I stopped in my tracks as I heard the soft crunch of a leaf break underneath my shoe. Heart beat thumping out of control, I observe my surroundings. The sun was setting quickly and it was getting harder to see without a source of light. The temperature was slowly dropping and I had forgotten to grab a jacket. How could I have been so stupid? Getting lost in the woods wasn’t my idea of a perfect Friday night. My name is Oakley Anderson, and this is the story of how one single night changed my life forever.

The news headlines going around lately have been spreading around quickly. “Wolf Attacks High School Soccer Star”, or “Wolf Strikes Again”. A pack of wolves that live in the forest that surround my neighborhood have been said to be attacking locals in the area recently. Police and safety patrol have informed citizens to stay inside after dark, but I was just way too curious. It was a Friday afternoon and I had no plans, so I decided I’d just take a quick stroll through the woods.

Focusing back on the present I concentrated on the scene that lay out in front of me. I had made a sudden noise causing a pair of golden bronze eyes to shoot up and look dead straight into my very own eyes. Fear laced through my veins. Could this have been one of the wolves that had gone around attacking people? I stayed completely still; worrying that if the suddenness of moves would enrage the beast in front of me. I looked for a quick escape, but noticed I had nowhere to run.

The wolf had started advancing on me until we were both face-to-face with one another. Adrenaline pumped through my blood as I realized what this could mean for me. Backing up away from the wolf I tripped over a branch and fell to the forest floor in a heap causing the wolf to growl. I could only close my eyes, expecting the worst. If only I would have listened…  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2012 ⏰

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