Chapter 1

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Batman's POV
This has been one of the busiest nights this year. Three escapees from the prison, found a murderer, and a bank robbery at Gotham City Bank. So far I had apprehended the murderer, caught all three escapees, and was crawling through the air ducts at the bank. I had counted at least 14 hostages on my way in. And now I had to find the bomb that was set to go off in 10 minutes. I was aware that Superman and Robin were behind me, doing what they could. Superman was using his x-ray vision to look for the bomb while robin worked on getting to the hostages.
"The bomb is under this next vent." Superman said, pointing ahead of me. I nodded, crawling faster towards the grate.
"Go help Robin. He may be in trouble." I commanded, ignoring his blatant glare. He hated when I did the dangerous work alone. But what could he possibly expect me to do. Give up and go home. Not even close. I would push harder, until I was dead or close to it. After pushing the grate down I slipped out of the ventilation ducts and looked around. The bomb was secured to the inner wall of the emptied vault. One glance over and I knew it was beyond me. It would take more than the 8 minutes I had left to defuse. Instead of defusing it, I tried to get it off the wall. After breaking the wall and picking up the portable bomb, I got back in the ducts. Now I had 4 minutes to get somewhere secluded. The bomb majorally slowed me down, and by the time I was outside I only had 2 minutes left. After looking around I seen a place not too far. The batmobile. It was capable of containing this sort of explosion. I climbed into the car and tossed the bomb into the back seat. The batmobile required my hands on the wheel to arm itself, so I would need to be in it with the bomb. That would be a bit tricky. I drove for a while, until there were just 30 seconds left and I was in a dark alleyway. I looked back at the bomb and raised the outward shield. This would at least protect the surrounding buildings. It wouldn't do much for me, though. The seat may protect me slightly. But I didn't plan on escaping unscathed today. My wrist was already bruised and I had a few shallow scratches along my back. So I guess I couldn't really escape unscathed anyway. The timer hit 5 seconds, and I watched as the last few seconds ticked by.

Superman's POV
1 more minute on the clock. All the hostages accounted for, and Robin is on his way back to the bat cave. The only problem. Batman and the bomb are gone. 45 seconds on the clock. I scanned the immediate area, but there was no batman. Even the batmobile was no where to be found. I didn't know what to do. Or where to go. I didn't see him with my x-ray vision, so my assumption was he was driving far away from here to a empty area without people or a lot of buildings. 25 seconds on the clock. I lifted myself off the roof, flying till I could see even more of the city. I noticed one part of the city was dark and empty. Mostly abandoned buildings and warehouses. The perfect place for him to go. I flew closer, searching every possible place a bomb could go off. 5 seconds on the clock. I stopped and ran my hands threw my hair. This isn't gonna work. This isn't -" A loud bang. The sound of an explosion. I turned to see the billowing smoke rise from a darkened alleyway. How did I overlook that? Once I drew near it was obvious that the batmobile was out of commission. I looked around for batman himself but all I found outside of the burning vehicle was blackened metal and car shrapnel. I looked inside and to my horror, an unconscious batman was in the front seat. I pulled him from the burnt seat, stifling the flames as well. His heart was beating, and I could hear his breathing.
"Hey, come on. Wake up Batman." I lightly slapped his face, and his hand raised instinctively to hit me. I caught his fist, pulling him up as I did so.
"Don't worry, I'll get you to a hospital. Your leg doesn't look too good." I said, pulling his arm around my shoulder. Rather than submit, he did what I expected. Shoved me away, and leaned against the alley wall.
"Don't worry about that. I can get Alf- one of my friends to stitch me up." I could see through what was left of his clothes. It would take more than being stitched up for him to heal.
"How about our headquarters?" I asked, eyeing his right leg. There was a gash along his thigh, running diagonally down his leg. He looked broken.
"Fine. I'll go to headquarters." He pushed himself off the wall and tried to climb the pole on the other side, but half way up, I saw his legs falter.
"Let me fly you there." I demanded, my tone full of authority.
"No." He replied with blatancy and finality. After regaining his position he started scaling the building again.
"Just keep in mind, I won't drop you." I said before flying up and catching him by the arms. By the time I landed us on the platform by our headquarters, I had been punched in the face twice, and he even tried kicking me in the shins. Both times he had hit me I felt the bones in his knuckles fracture more and more. Which is why he stopped punching me.
"Bruce, don't forget to have them look at your leg." I said as I set him down. He turned to say something snappy at me. But instead, he collapsed.

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