Help From The Stranger

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The man at the counter nodded at your story, You hadn't noticed but maybe of you weren't a sobbing mess maybe you would have noticed the guilty look plastered on his face. "well that's terrible" he said. You nodded trying to wipe your tears away. "sir do you have a phone..... We have grandparents in texas that could come pick us up" you asked as he froze. As if contemplating as to let you use it or not. He then nodded. "yes out the back"  he said as he walked out from behind the counter leading you and your siblings out. You listened closely for anything that wasn't you, the cashier of your siblings. You weren't going to let your guard down after what just happened. You looked around and the cashier pointed to the phone box. "thank you" you said giving a caring smile as he nodded. "it's no problem" he said as you two shook hands,  your siblings were still crying and you patted their heads as the man walked away. You stood by the phone and put some spare change in. You let the phone ring. You were relieved to hear your grandfather's voice answer "Hello? Who is this?" "Grandpa it's me. Something happened to mum and dad.  We're at Hills prairie grocery.  We need you to come pick us up. " you said, your voice sounded upset which your grandfather could clearly recognise." okay.  But we can't come get you now. I suggest you wait wherever you are and we'll come pick you up in the morning" your heart sank "But-" the phone call was cut off there. At least you told them where you were. You sighed and walked back in once agian thanking the man for telling you where the phone was.  "So what's happening with you?"  he asked. "they're coming to pick us up tommorow." you said as sighed and if you were going to survive and actually have a good night's rest. You'd have to go back to your family can and sleep there. "you can always come and sleep at my house" he said as he sent a pleasant smile your way.  But. Something told you not to and you went with your gut. "no, sir you've already done enough"  you said and smiled as you left the building waving and said "Thanks again".  He responded with "Any time". You toon a deep breathe and stared at the road ahead.  Should you go back to the van? Then again. It was the only place you could stay. You sighed. You couldn't go to the man's house because even though he was so nice to you. Something was off about him. Very off. You then took your siblings hands and walked back to the van as they began to talk and ask you questions. As soon as the can came into veiw you noticed that the back doors were wide open. You began to shake. Your siblings looked up at you with fear in there eyes but you took a deep breathe and began to walk towards it. This was for your siblings. You had to stay brave and look after your mother told you. You arrived to the back of the van. There were no bodies but visible blood was littering the back of the van.  You shakily sighed. Looking around to make sure there was not a chainsaw wedding physco in sight. You smiled and let your siblings climb in. It was beginning to get dark. "you guys stay in here okay."  they nodded. You closed the doors and slipped down the van doors.  You needed to keep them safe and in order to do that. You had to make sure that he didn't come back or harm them. You were going to keep guard all night. Even if it killed you

DISCONTINUED: That one mistake [Yandere! Leatherface X reader]Where stories live. Discover now