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Yes Ladies and gentlemen there is a sequel,i know I know, why did I bother to inform you about this book. This book is not under my shit list nor my awesome list, it is just there

Good imagination but bad writing
I can't really say anything about this book honestly
Take my advice if you want to waste time like an hour or so you can read this book but if you don't then read something else

I won't be surprised if the author is young, this book would have been mad that is what is paining me. Honestly if the background for this story was crappy I would have insulted this book but the book has.....potential

Message to the author

you are great and your imagination is wonderful. Honestly I would have never thought of hide&seek and hide&seek2 but team up with a good writer that knows how to bring your wonderful imagination to beautiful words of horror, you have more of a movie mind....
You are not a bad writer but you are not a writer person but you are learning I think, please don't write hide&seek3 or final game without help from an awesome writer please don't kill the beautiful horror imagination of yours with horrible writing.....thanks you

I didn't want to @ you at first but you have to hear
Hide&Seek and Hide&Seek2 by @Ms_Horrendous

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