Part 2

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Commander Veronika Masterson stepped into the elevator, and ordered the computer to take her to the bridge. Her watch was just about to start, she loved being the first officer aboard the star ship  "Invincible ". Her and Captain Slawson were one of the best teams in the fleet, they took no nonsense, and made sure that the crew did the same. Veronika, being almost 6 feet and 170 pounds, and Captain Slawson, at 6 feet and 200 pounds, were imposing figures, and they had earned the respect of their crew, fellow officers and fleet command.

     The door whisked open silently, and she was on the bridge. Captain Slawson smiled a greeting, and announced  "Begin day watch, 07:00 hours. "

     He motioned Veronika to his ready room, where they could be a little more informal.

      "Hey Ronnie, how’s it going? " he greeted her in the room.

      "Oh, pretty much the same old, Greg, I’m so horny I could jump out of my skin, but that’s nothing new. I’m looking forward to some shore leave, and make up for lost time. Damn, it’s tough being an officer, there are more than enough hot looking guys, but I outrank them all. "

     Greg had gotten accustomed to Veronika being so blunt about her sex life, he knew what it was like to be surrounded by very attractive crew, but unable to fraternize with them, the fleet forbid such contact, and they hadn’t risen to such powerful positions in the fleet by flouting the rules.

      "So, what’s with this new junior science officer, Treena Suluswi? " she asked.

      "That was an idea that I came up with to have their science and technology minister join us as a special liason offcier, I felt that she could learn more by practical, hands on experience. Since their technology, especially in the field of space exploration is several years behind ours, they are only just reaching the point where interplanetary travel for their species is on the brink. I felt, and the Prime Minister and the Alliance ruling council agreed, that we should bring them along, and help them along with their development, as Entara Prime is now a member of the Alliance. "

      "Seems like a great idea, she’s very eager to learn, she’s reporting on every astral phenomenon within sensor distance ", Veronika replied,  "I’ve heard more reports of quasars and pulsars in the last few days, then I’ve heard for several years. "

     Greg smiled, and as they returned to the bridge, Greg said, in his best captain’s voice,  "Commander Masterson, the bridge is yours. "

     The elevator whisked him away, and Veronika settled herself into the captain’s chair, glancing around her, she saw that the bridge crew was performing like a well oiled machine, and she nodded with satisfaction.

     Junior Science officer Treena Suluswi was at science station one, gazing at the readouts, looking like a kid on Christmas morning. She was so enthralled by everything she was learning, she didn’t want to leave the bridge, even after her shift was over.

      "Commander, at bearing 328, a quasar, I make it to be about 100 light years distance, high levels of radiation, a real genrator of gamma rays, I will make further studies ", she reported.

      "Minister Suluswi, in case you haven’t noticed, your watch is over. Time for you to relax, you will have plenty of time to study it further. "

     She looked up, and Veronika was enveloped in the gaze of those almost impossibly green emerald eyes. She felt a shiver run through her, it felt like her eyes had almost become soft hands that had stroked her body with that look, and she could feel a pulse of heat in her cunt, and sudden dampness in her panties.

      "Sorry Commander, there is just so much to see, and learn about, " she replied.

      "Well, you need rest as much as you need to learn " Veronika said, doing her best to keep her voice from shaking,  "So shift is over, time to relax. "

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