Chapter 1- Introduction

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A/N : bored and decided to write this


Plus , things that I write are just to give more tension/drama to the story and they are not true

Emilia's POV:

Ok let me get started, first as my mother taught me, let me introduce myself. My name is Emilia and I'm 14 years old. I prefer being called Emmie. You may THINK that I'm your typical troublemaker girl and that I'm going to tell you my super fascinating and fun life and that I have ZERO problems.....

Well guess what? You were wrong!😂

Ok first of all: I'm not a troublemaker, I'm the nice one at school , but ask my siblings and probably they will tell you that I'm the opposite💁🏻☺️.

But have you ever heard this?:
"Pretty Little Liars"
Well if you haven't, Pretty Little Liars also known as : PLL, is a show about 5 girls one of them disappears and the other 4 start getting anonymous texts with threats and things they have never shared and is always signed with an A. It's way more interesting is just that I'm not that good at describing😂.
Well if you are a fan, you may know by heart the name of the actresses right? Well one of the 5 girls unfortunately is my sister well step sister. You may wanna know who is she? Well I will give you a clue: it starts with a T and ends with a ROIAN BELISARIO.
You may think:
"Omg you are so lucky"

"You must be pretty popular!"

"You are a celebrity too"

well guess what?! That's not true! Not even a single thing.
Being the sister of a celebrity isn't like everyone thinks, it isn't like how it's written in the fanfics, it's probably the worst thing ever.

You may say: "I have an annoying sister or brother or both and you have a celebrity sister! That's so much better!"

Let me be honest with you, having a celebrity sister is like having a brat in your house, like having the popular girl in your school, like having your 24/7 bully, and having someone who always takes away your attention. Yeah i know that siblings often do that, but celebrity siblings get way more attention! There's no one single day in which my parents ,aunts, uncles, grandparents, brother and even neighbors don't talk about my sister success.

You may think that's why I hate her, but it's not ,that's just one of the 101 reasons and counting that I hate my sister Troian.
See my background history isn't that nice , but I'll tell it since we are being honest.

I was born in July 26 in 2002 yeah right now I'm 14 years
When I was a baby I was kidnapped away from my family. I used to live in Mexico, so now I know a lot of Spanish😉. When I was 2 years old the one that kidnapped me, had a car accident and died. After that I was sent to an adoption center in Miami, were I was adopted by a family, they seemed really nice, but then my biological family found me and I had to leave with them, it was a really busy year.
At those times Troian and I were inseparable, we did everything together! Ah I really miss those times. Even if we had 16 years of difference she always had time for me and I always had time for her.

Then we started drifting apart, she got her job in PLL and she got a boyfriend which they are getting married sometime in December.
Before Troian left to Los Angeles , before we stopped speaking , she gave me one last hug that i will always remember and she left.
And what do you think it happened??


At first we used to face time each other and she will call me at nights just to tell me good night, but then she got more busy and she couldn't do it as frequently and then it was my birthday and she completely forgot it and she has also forgotten all my birthdays. Now we don't even text each other, sometimes I wander what will happen if I text her.
Will she answer me back? Will she leave me in delivered? Will she see my text? Does she even has my number?!

As I stated previously, I'm her STEP- Sister. I have as a last name Belissario. Her dad married my mom and she told my sisters and me to change our last name to Belissario.
Now kids at my school just want to come over to my house and be friends with me because there's a really small chance that they can see Troian, i really hate that they use me just to know my step sister.

And yes, I live with my step sister .... Well she comes home just like 5 months out of 12. She always come home in December, January, February, March and April. The worst thing is that I have to see her all of those 5 months😫😒.

I'm right now at my room, well 50% mine since it also Troian's room, but well she hasn't been here in a long time. Today it was a beautiful day of September, still I had to go to school. I woke really early , something that I never do and started getting ready to go to school and when I was putting my things on my backpack, my mom came into the room, usually is my step dad who always comes to wake me up.
"Emmie, today's your lucky day, no school for you!" She said in an excited tone.
As much as i hate waking up in the morning, I didn't like missing school, I like school, because I get to see some friends and I don't have to hear my step dad and step siblings idolizing Troian.
"But.. but whyyyy?? You know I love school!" I said making a pout and started taking out the things of my backpack
"You are definitely not a normal teenager Emmie" my mom said shaking her head and laughing at the same time
"Where is John?" John is Troian's father, my step dad, my mother's husband.
"He's picking up your sister from the airport, so put some nice clothes because we are going to spend the whole day with her" my mother said
"Wait what sister? Samantha?" I asked my mom and she shook her head
"Nop" my mother replied
"How is John going to pick Kate she's a toddler?!" My mom said
"Hallie?" I asked , I already knew that the answer was no, her room is next to mine and she's just 2 years older than me but she wasn't that bad.
"No, yesterday she was here and she hasn't left, so no"
"I said sister Emmie!"
With the disgust I said this name
"Yes! You took an eternity to guess Emmie! Hallie guessed way much faster than you!" My mom said shocked. That's when I heard my step dad car parking in the garage. Nonono! And then the door opened and my mom rushed downstairs and that's when I heard her voice again.
"Hi Isabelle! Nice seeing you again" and that was Troian's voice

And that's when the world stopped and my heart skipped a beat literally...


A/N: Hi I'm the BFF from the author of the story and I just finished reading this and I told her to publish it and she thinks that is a joke but I did publish it , and this is a really nice book so hope you enjoy it 😃.

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