2: shock

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"Stop! Please sto-"


"I won't stop until you say it!"


"Ok! Ok! Ill say it just stop!"

"I'm waiting, love"

"I-I lo-love you"

"See~ that wasn't so hard, now was it, love?"


He put a shock collar on you. Tied you up for an hour and a half. Every time you said something he didn't like he would push the button on the small device. It hurt like hell. Now your lying down on the bed, resting, that is until Luka walks into the room. He sits on the edge of the bed. Luka then brings the tips of his sharp nails up to the small of your back. "You do know that I love you, don't you?"
Luka whispers into your ear as he lies down next to you. Hearing this, you try to scoot away from him, but he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to his chest. "You do have to admit that collar does look vary fitting on you, love." He whispers. "Why are you keeping me here?" You say quietly. Luka then looks down at you. "Why? It's because, I'm completely obsessed with you. I've been watching you ever since you were born. I have always craved you. I have waited so many years for you to become of age. You see, us wolves stop ageing completely, such as my brother, he stopped ageing at twenty five, as for me, I stopped at nineteen. Cool, huh?" Luka asks as you nod. "But, you see, that's not all, once a wolf falls in love, he or she will bond with the one they are in love with and their significant other will stop ageing like their lover and stay that age forever." Luka finishes. You look up at Luka with eyes that almost resembles a young deer's. "What do you mean by 'bond'?" You ask curiously. Luka looks down at you with a smirk. "Bond is another word for mating or as you humans call it; 'sex'." That only sends a shiver up your spine. So he intends on have sex with you. Your lost in thought until you feel sharp teeth nipping the tender skin on your neck. Heat rises to your face as you try to get out of his hold, this only makes Luka growl as he starts unbuttoning the top of your dress, he then looks you dead in the eyes and smirks before he slams his lips onto yours. The kiss was hungry and lustful. Luka then slips off your dress without breaking the kiss, this only leaves you in your bra, panties, hood, and gloves. Luka then breaks the kiss and hovers above you, looking down at your small and shaking form. Luka then goes to the small cabinet by his bed and pulls out a dog leash, he then attaches it to the collar around your neck then ties it to the head post of the bed. "I think I'll be keeping you like that for a while~ what do you think, love?" Luka purrs in your ear. You now finally snap out of your state of shock and try to push him away. "What the hell?! Give me back my clothes you pervert!" You shout at him. "Now, now, (y/n). I like it more when you look like that, but no, I will not give you your dress back, because first of all its dirty and wet, there for, you could get sick. Secondly, I need to take your measurements." Luka growls back and leave the room. You sit there whimpering and crying as you grab your hood, trying to cover yourself the best you can. As you continue to cry you start to sing to yourself.

How can you see into my eyes

Like open doors

Leading you down into my core

Where I've become so numb

Without a soul

My spirits sleeping somewhere cold

Until you find it there and lead it back home

And with that newly fresh tears run down your cheeks.


679 words

running through the forest (yandere wolf x reader) Where stories live. Discover now