Chapter 1

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       This is a story about a girl named Holly Sprinkle. She lives in the city of  " New York. " The Big Apple " they call it. This is where a lot of people come to sing and be on Broadway. Holly wasn't too sure what she wanted to do here since she moved to the city about a month ago. Holly does some Journalism while she was in college. She wants to  try and get a job at the " New York times "while she is  living here. Plus, she could get a job on Broadway as well. She would have to wait and see what she wanted to do here. She has some good options to choose from, but she  wants to make sure she makes the right one while she is here in the city. The wrong choice could mess up a good future she could have while she is living here in New York.

   She has been wanting her best friend Mandy Rogers to move here to " New York, " so she has someone she knows with her here in New York.  She has been alone since she moved here a month ago. She jumped online to talk to her today.  Hoping she would have an answer on if she was gonna move there or not. Holly went on to her " Skype " account to talk. The " Skype " rang and Mandy answered it once she got to it from the living room of her apartment to the computer corner. Soon as she got to the laptop she pushed the accept button on the screen. 

" Hey, Holly. Nice of you to call me." Mandy said

" I was calling to find out to find out if you had an answer, yet on if you were gonna move here to New York?" Holly asked hoping she would have an answer on if she was gonna move.

" Yeah, I have an answer for you. " She answered 

" What would the answer be? " Mandy replied

" I would like to move to New york  and live there with you. " She told her

Mandy was so happy to hear that from her best friend that she wanted to move up here with her.

" When will you be able to move here? "

" Well, I have to get everything here packed and ready to go. Then I have to get the movers. So, maybe two weeks or so. I will let you know if it's gonna be sooner or not. " 

" That's great you decided to move here and make a change from where we did live. I am hoping you love it here as time goes on. I will be waiting and will you be living with me till you find a place of your own to live here?"

" Yes, I don't plan on living with you the whole time  we live in New york. That wouldn't be good at all. I know you would need your space and all."

" Yeah, that's true we do need our space to do the things we wanna do and if we ever find someone to be with. I know how that is when you live with someone it kinda gets awkward with trying to have a guy over when the other person is there. well, need to start getting things packed, so I can start heading up there soon. Got a lot to do here at the moment, so I don't bring to much with me. "

 " OK!!!  I'll talk to you soon. Bye!!!"

When they both got off Skype they went and did some stuff they needed to do for the day. 

   After they both got off the phone Holly went out of her apartment to walk the city for a bit. It was getting dark out, but that didn't stop her from going out to do something at the moment. This was a city that never sleeps here. There was always something to do here and the city wants to keep the people entertained all they can to make this place great. She was just looking for something to do because she didn't want to be alone in this apartment she has here. She was walking around  were there was a lot of people around. There wasn't as many people walking around like there would be in the day  because people have  jobs to go to  in the day time and it was only the beginning of the week.They don't have much to do here during the week days. The weekends during the evening and night time they have things to do because not everyone have to go back to their jobs til Monday.  

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