chapter 2

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     Now the next morning when Mandy got up out of bed she remembered she had to get on " Skype " to talk to Holly. She wanted to know why she called late last night for. She forgot to call her cell phone or text her as well. She walked over to her laptop and turned it on. Once it loaded up  she clicked on " Skype " and waited for it to ring. Over on the other side where Holly was  she heard the sound and ran out of her bedroom to answer it before she ended up missing the call. She knew it had to be Mandy. She was waiting for her to cal her back from last night, so she could talk to her  about what happened to her. Soon as she got to the laptop to press the button she hesitated because she wasn't sure if the bite mark was gone, yet. So, she hit the rejected button on her and then went to the bathroom to check before she went to make the call back to Mandy. 

    At this point She was thinking  Mandy must be mad she didn't answer the call because Holly was the one who called her late last night to talk to her in the first place. And now she rejects her call. Mandy now was thinking something was deffinately up with her. She just didn't know what it was, but she was gonna find out here soon enough. So, Holly  went in her bedroom to grab her cell phone to text Holly to see if she would answer it or not to find out what was going on with her because she never acted like this when she live back here. Now that she moved things are getting weird to Mandy.

   Holly was in the bathroom checking her neck when her phone went off next. She didn't get a second to herself since she got up this morning.  First her laptop and now her phone. She hoped it stopped, so she could finish what she was doing to be able to answer it. She finished looking at her neck and the bite mark was gone just like Todd told her last night. When she was done checking she went back to her room and grabbed her phone to check and see what Mandy wanted because she knew she would leave a text for her if she couldn't get a hold of her. It's what she always does when Holly doesn't answer her calls. When she did check the phone it was Mandy with a missed call and a text message.  While, she was looking at what the text said she got another one and sure enough it was Mandy again. This girl wouldn't stop stop at all long enough for Holly to reply or call her back at all. Plus, she knew This girl wasn't gonna give up till she talked to her and make sure she was ok. Now Holly had a choice here to text her or Skype her. She decided  Since she had the phone in her hand she decided to just text her for the moment.

Text time

Mandy- y did u skype me

so late last night?


Holly- I have something 2 tell u


Mandy- What would that b?


Holly- Skype me n i'll tell u


Mandy- ok

Now with that Holly and Mandy went to their laptops. 

    Mandy got on " Skype " and called her up right away. She was waiting to here what Holly would have to say. The thing that Holly was gonna tell her was gonna shock her and she may not believe it at all once she got done telling her. Holly now wished the bite mark was still there because she had no proof that this even happened to her. But, she was still gonna tell her what happened last night because Mandy had to know. The call was coming though the laptop when she sat down at the laptop, so Holly hit the accept button on the screen and it connected to Mandy now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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