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Damn , It felt so right.  After A long night of me sticking my wood deep inside her, making her back arch as I pounded her from the back pulling her hair. Her juices was every where. My sheets was soaked but I loved it when she came all over the place. My face was so deep in her P*ssy 💦Everytime she came it hit my tongue , my face looked like I went scuba diving. Her legs was shaking repeatedly as she screamed my name.
" Daddy ! Go Deeper .... Daddy , Go harder" As she screamed putting a million scratches on my back. As If she was Massa and I was the slave.  I rolled over , there she was gazing into my eyes . Everything felt so right but deep down it was so wrong. I was in love with somebody , but loving them was wrong. Because I was also in love with somebody else.
"Morning baby " As she rolled over planting her soft lips onto mine. I kissed her back, as I ran my hands through her black beautiful hair. Not realizing the time , I jumped out of bed immediately. Af
" Shantay baby look you got to go" I said as I grabbed her clothes rushing her to get dressed. She was taking her slow time. And right now time was not on my side. I heard the front door open.
" Shit Shantay hide under the bed" I said as I grabbed her stuffing her and her clothes under the bed.
" You told me she was working an extra shift Jamal "

" Yeah she was suppose to but...., look just shut the fuck up and get under the bed"

I hopped in bed and acted as if I had just woken up.

"Morning Babe "  Diamond said as she planted her lips onto mind.Diamond was Shanty's sister , also my wife. We only been married 4 years but together for seven years. We have two beautiful children who I love with all my heart.Diamond was given bad news a year ago that she had cancer. You never could tell because how she carried herself.  I Know you wondering what the hell i'm doing with Shantay's . It hurt me to know I was putting my wife through this but it felt right. Me and Shantay had been having an affair for two years now. The love I got for her is crazy but I also love Diamond  to.

"what you've been doing while I was away baby" Diamond said as she started taking off her work clothes.

" shit chilling " I said trying to avoid making things obvious.

" Oh okay, I might call Shantay so we can go get our nails or something done, while momma got the kids" She said as she walked to the other side of the bed.
My heart was racing because I noticed the big ass stain on the bed Shantay left when I was fucking her. I hurry and pulled the covers up on the bed so she wouldn't notice.

" Babe, why is this here?" As she held up Shanty's Love Pink jacket. I walked around the other side of the bed trying to put together a lie.

"isn't that yours Diamond ?"
"No , its Shanty's and why is it here?" I stood there still trying to piece together a lie. Next thing I know Shanty's phone went off.

" What the fuck is that ?" Diamond said as she got down on her knees and looked under the bed.

" Its not what you think Diamond I swear its not" Shantay said as she crawled from under the bed with nothing but her bra and panties on.

" Baby let me explain"
"Jamal  my fucking sister , you've been fucking my sister?" She yelled with tears in her eyes. I felt bad and I didn't want to lose my wife.

"Tay you suppose to be my sister , my blood , my Day one and you fucking my husband bitch" Diamond said as she got in Shantay's  face. Diamond caught herself before raising her hand to slap Shantay .

" Baby I'm sorry I should of never"
" Jamal shut your sorry ass up, how long y'all been fucking"
I couldn't even look her in the eyes and tell her how many year it had been going on. I knew I had fucked up and this time it was no coming back from it.

" about two to three years sis but I'm sorry I didn't want to hurt you" Shantay  said with tears in her eyes.

" I knew it , I fucking knew it" Diamond said laughing as she walked around the room clapping her hands in rage.

" Bae look I'm sorry I want to make it right between us"
" Sis he really love you and I do to I'm sorry"
" its to late for that , I can't be mad at all because I cheated to"

My heart dropped to my stomach , how could she?  I couldn't believe what I heard. But how could I even be mad right now.

" Oh by the way little Micah  might be your little brother not your son" She said as she walked out the room .

" what you trying to say Diamond

" All I'm saying is I'm divorcing you and becoming your step mother. Goodbye son"

I do not own this chapter

In the media is Shantay and Diamond

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