Part 2

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I wake up with the dream fresh in my mind.

As I get ready for school, I wonder if I could actually get to kiss her.

I do my morning ritual and get ready for the bus.

45 minutes pass and I'm finally at school. 

As I walk down the hallway, checking the clock that is there, I notice that it's past 7:45. 

"Crap, I'm too late." I whisper to myself. "She already went to her class."

I walk down the rest of the hallway, when I accidentally run into Anna.

Suddenly remembering that is valentine's day, and I say "Oh, hi Anna, happy Valentine's  Day!"

Slightly blushing, she replies "Thanks, You too!"

"Shouldn't you be in class?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, I guess I forgot."

"Go, get ready, before you're late." I say playfully.

"Fine, I guess I'll go." she says and begins to walk away. "Bye, I love you!"

"Bye, I love you too!" 

It's now the end of the day, I pretty nice nap in second period, but other that that I had a pretty crappy day.

Anna and I are supposed to go to a valentines dance, so I guess I should go to the gym.

I get there and Anna is there leaning against the wall waiting for me.

"Hey, I've already checked, this sucks." she said.

"Oh, when are your parents picking you up?" I ask.

"Not until 6:30" she replies. "What about you?"

"Same here. What do we do for 3 hours then?"

"We could go on a walk." she suggests.

"Sounds good, but we should go before the teachers notice."

5 minuets pass and we're already on the walkway outside of school.

We start walking to the open area she found in the woods. 

Nothing particularly special happens on our walk, a couple of squirrels, and we were just talking about how crappy our days were.

We finally reach her area, and decide to sit on the fallen over tree that was there.

It's a couple feet off the ground, so we have to do some climbing, but we eventually get there.

Leaning on her shoulder, I almost fall asleep until I'm suddenly awoken by her words.

"Hey, Tony?"

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Can I ask you something?" 

"Yeah, of course you can."

"Do you... Do you love me?"

"Of course," I say shooting up from my position. "Why would you ask that?"

It is just then I realize how beautiful she looks with the snow gently landing on her.

"Well... I.. It's just..."

(---Chick Flick Moment Warning--)

I softly put my hand on her cheek, warm to the touch.

She suddenly realizes what I'm doing, but still doesn't know how to react.

I slowly lean in towards her face, every moment seeming longer than the last.

Then we finally kiss.

This time, I knew it was real.

It had to be. 

Everything from the warmth of her cheek, to the cold of the snow.

It was all real.

We eventually pull away after what seemed hours.

as we open our eyes, we notice all of our friends, Hailey, Sidney, and Brandon.

all just standing there, jaws on the floor.

I guess we didn't notice them come in because we were so lost in each other's lips.

"Heh, I guess we got carried away." I say, as we get down from the log.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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