The Beginning of Everything

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Lara's POV

"Come on Lara, you have to live at least once before you die."

This is said by my annoying best friend, I'm currently standing outside of my high school in the middle of the night in nothing but my skimpy underwear. I have no idea why we put this on my list but somehow it got there so here I am, shivering my ass off too scared to go in just in case I get caught. 

"Stop being such a pussy, I want to go for a swim already," Jas has her own skimpy underwear on which look amazing on her, she is quite pale but she has massive boobs and an amazing ass which all the boys go crazy for. She is kind of a slut but I love her anyway. She is popular and everyone loves her, I'm known as her quiet best friend which I'm fine with but this year I decided that I want to be known as Lara Bond instead of just the quiet one. I want people to notice me, I guess I'd be lying if I said that there wasn't a certain somebody I wanted to notice me. His name is Liam Youngs. Captain of the football team, tan, blue eyes, perfect smile, body that is hot as hell. Sadly right now he is in a relationship with Coraline Deers. She is top cheerleader, stunning body and gorgeous face, ugly personality. Okay I can do this...

One Hour later.. 

Five, four, three, two, one.

The water is freezing when I jump in, so cold that it feels like I'm paralysed. I quickly kick my way back up to the surface. When I look around me Jas is nowhere to be seen. Fuck. Of course she would do this to me. 

"Jas?! Where are you? I swear if this is some sort of joke I'm going to murder you. Stupid bitch I will ge-" I hear somebody chuckling behind me and my voice gets caught in my throat. I slowly turn around in the water and soon enough I'm staring into the eyes of Tj. What the fuck is he doing here, I never see him anymore. He hangs out with the two other jerks that I hate. 

You're probably wondering who the fuck Tj is, he used to be one of my favourite people in the world. He lives on the same street as me and when I first moved here he would come over and we would watch movies in my room and talk about anything and everything. I moved here in eighth grade so I knew nobody when I was going into high school. I never knew that Tj was friends with the dicks at our school until I got to school a few weeks after meeting Tj on the holidays and I went to say hey to him and he completely ignored me. I was devastated, so devastated infant that I ran to the bathroom and started crying. Thats where I me Jas actually, even when she was 14 she still had massive tits and an amazing body. She asked me what was wrong and I told her everything about Tj, she filled me in on the deal with Tj and his group and told me that she'd show me around and introduce me to a few people to help me out. Two days later and we were best friends. She changed me. Instead of being the quiet girl that wore big sweaters and loose clothes, she took me shopping and bought me tight clothes. I was turn into a little skank by the age of 14, not that I minded. Guys started noticing me and talking to me. I dissed most of them and stuck wit hJas which made her very happy. 

"Are you just going to stare at me this whole time or are you actually going to say something Lar?" Lar. That was his nick name for me. After he ignored me, he came and apologised and I understood that he had to be like that to everyone to keep his friends happy. We agreed to keep our friendship a secret and we hung out all the time. We were each others first kiss and fuck he was a good kisser. 

"What do you want Tj?" Keep it firm Lara, he doesn't get to you anymore. 

"Jas sent me a text saying you were hurt and you were at school for some reason. I should've known it was a trick but I can't say that I'm sorry to be here. You're looking very fucking sexy babe." Of course Jas would do that, Tj and I had a massive fight earlier this year and she knew how upset I was about it. As for his comment for how I looked, that reminded me of the old us. It also reminded me how much I wanted him. 

"If you think I look sexy why don't you come in and join me for a swim then?" I'm wearing my Lacey black underwear which he loves, he used to get horny as fuck whenever he saw me in black lace. He grunted and ripped his shirt off and pulled off his jeans, leaving in him in nothing besides his Calvin Klein boxers. Jumping in the water he pulled me to him and I couldn't resist him. I could help but grind against him and run my hands up and down his chest. Tj has an amazing body and we love hooking up with each other. We have a very sexual friendship, its the way we've always been until the massive fight. Pool sex is sexy especially when its with Tj.

After the sex we quickly got out of the pool and he pulled on his jeans and handed me his massive shirt, it was comfy as and smelt like him. We walked together back to his car and then we drove home in silence, he came into my house with me, we had separate showers and put on pyjamas and got in bed. I fell asleep with his arm wrapped around my waist.

The next morning...

I wake up to rapid knocking on my front door, Tj is still fast asleep the lucky little shit. I walk down stairs, slowly opening the door I come face to face with Jace. Shit. This isn't good.

"Hey Jace aha, whats up?" He looks mad.

"Where is Tj, I need to speak to him right now." 

"I have no idea, why would he be here? He hates me remember?" This was true, everyone thought Tj hated me since the fight. 

"Cut the bullshit babe, I know he could never hate you and I saw his car so let me in now." Well fuck. He barges past me and runs upstairs roar my room. I run after him obviously, I don't want him to see my Lacey panties on the floor where Tj ripped them off. I got there too late though, Jace jumped onto Tj and Tj sprung up, well tried to but only succeeded in head butting Jace's chest, "Ugh fuck, what are you doing here J?" Aw his voice is still sleepy, fuck Lara focus.

"Why the fuck are you here, you said you were done with that stupid slut. You are supposed to stay away. Do you never fucking listen." I have to admit, Jace's words hurt but what can you do right? I've heard all of this before and I've asked a million times why he isn't supposed to be near me but they never tell me. 

If you are wondering why I have two boys in my room and I'm not worried about my mum o dad walking in, they died. Two years ago. They were in a car crash, ever since then my aunty came over from Italy and we live together but she's never home, she was younger then my mum so she isn't protective or anything. 

They keep yelling at each other back and fourth and its giving me a headache. Before I know it something hits me on the back of the head and all I see is black.

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