Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Third person pov

Laura is super excited to move!

Laura Marano is 17 years old. Her sister, Vanessa Marano, and Laura finally managed to move out of their parents house.

They had heard that this was a very nice neighborhood.

Laura: are we there yet?

Vanessa: no

Laura: are we there now?

Vanessa: no

Laura: how about now?

Vanessa: no! I'm gonna put on some music

As soon as vanessa turns on the radio, the song "Loud" by R5 blasts through the speakers. Laura squeals before starting to sing along. Minutes pass and Vanessa can resist no longer, she too starts singing to the song. If you haven't been able to tell, the sisters are huge R5 fans. After another 20 minutes of driving they finally arrive.

Laura: we're here!

She squealed as the house came to view. It was a nice one story house. The house was painted different shades of grey with some blue here and there. From the front you could see there was a big tree in the back. They entered the house instantly falling in love with it; large living room, the perfect kitchen, 3 spacious rooms and outside a beautiful big tree with a tire swing and 2 other swings and a super huge yard.

Laura: this is gonna be so fun!

She dropped the bags she had in her hand and ran out to the swings.


After the movers unloaded everything they spent the rest of the day unpacking boxes until the doorbell rang

Vanessa: Ill get it

She ran to the door opening it and finding a woman probably in her thirties or forties, she was blonde and had a huge smile on her face and was holding a plate of some good smelling brownies

Stormie: hi my name is Stormie and me and my family are you nextdoor neighbors.

Vanessa: nice to meet you my name is Vanessa

Laura placed the last picture frame on the shelf and walked toward the door, the smell of brownies being the main reason

Vanessa: and this is my sister Laura

Laura: hi nice to meet you.

Stormie: well i just wanted to stop by and give you this homemade brownies.

Vanessa: aww, thank you so much

Laura: they smell like heaven

Stormie: well it was nice meeting you and welcome to the neighborhood girls! Feel free to stop by when you can I'm sure my family will be thrilled to meet you and I could cook some dinner!

Laura:we will totally be there! bye!

She walked down the steps as they went back inside. Laura quickly grabbed the brownie plate from Vanessa and stuffed a brownie in her mouth.

Laura: Oh my glob this is heaven

Vanessa: She was really nice don't you think?

Laura: yeah totally and if her food is as glorious as these brownies Im taking that dinner invitation

She grabbed another brownie before Vanessa stole the tray and grabbed one herself

Vanessa: holy jesus they are heavenly!

Laura: I know!

They kept on eating and eating only 2 brownies were left so they decided to stop and continue unpacking

Vanessa: hey does that woman Stormie sou d familiar to you?

Laura: yeah but I cant exactly put a finger on it

They decided to shrug it off and continued their unpacking.

It was dinner time, the sisters were in the kitchen. Vanessa was searching through the cabinets for some type of food as Laura sat on the high-top spinning around in a chair.

Vanessa: so what do you want to eat?

Laura: what do we have?

Vanessa opened a cabinet door and frowned

Vanessa: mac and cheese or cheese and mac

Laura started to rub her chin

Laura: its a very hard decision , they are just so different!

Vanessa: ha ha real funny Laur

Both girls started having a laughing fit. After what seemed an hour of laughing they finally calmed down

Vanessa: I still cant remember where Ive seen Stormie

Laura: yeah its like I have seen her before but where?


Hi my name is Veronica💜, this is my first time writing so hope you like it💕

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