Movie night

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Humming our song hold me tight, I  get dressed in a simple baggy shirt and some shorts before I go the straighten the blankets, set up the snack, and set up the tv for drama night. Just as I got done in bursts Hoseok. “Hyung! I bought strawberry milk for everyone!” He dances through the living room with a giant case if milk.
“Great! You won't be drinking up our stuff!”
I laugh only joking with him.
“You love me hyung.”
Hobi says making me roll my eyes.
“Where are the others?”
“Jimin’s trying to get Tae off of him, Kookie is laughing at his struggle, and Yoongi...should’ve been right behind me.”
Hobi shrugs.
“We all know Yoongi.”
Namjoon says walking into the living room pulling his shirt over his head.
“Min Yoongi!.” Hobi shouts making my ears hurt.
“Ah- jinjja i’m here.”
Yoongi walks in scratching his ear.
“I forgot something.” he rolls his eyes at Hobi.
“What’s up guys” Yoongi yawns.
“We’re waiting for everyone.” I say and sit down on the couch.
Rimmy sits next to me and Hobi and Yoongi look through the snacks I had set up.
Yoongi grabs my box of pockies (Of course he does) and sprawls out on the floor.
We start hearing loud laughing from down the hall and jimin saying something about Tae’s body when he laid on him. Next thing we know Tae, Jimin, and Kookie come bursting through the door arguing with each other.
“dangsin-i jag-eun nyeoseog!” Tae yells at jimin (you little brat.)
Jungkook gasps and walks over to us showing he’s not in it and Jimin growls at Tae. “I'm older than you! You’re the little brat!” Jimin jabs his finger against Tae’s chest.
“You’re just mad that-!” Jimin cuts Tae off by slapping his hand over Taes mouth.
“Don’t. You. Dare. Say. Another. Word. Kim Taehyung.” Jimin glares menacingly  at Tae and Tae actually looks scared. Jimin takes his hand off of Tae’s mouth with a smug look and then walks over to the rest of us.
“Hey Jin hyung, what are we going to watch?” Jimin says plopping down on the floor next to Yoongi.
“How about we watch Train to Busan?” I say and everyone looks happy.
Hobi sits on the other side of Rimmy and Tae sits on the floor right in front of the couch.
“Let's get it started.” I grab the tv remote and go on Netflix.
“I'm going to look over my script a bit during the movie.”
Rimmy says and gets off the couch before he walks around everyone and grabs his script off of the counter. He then walks back to his seat and sits down with his script in his lap. I shrug and turn on the movie. Everyone gets curls up next to someone else except Rimmy so I curl up against Rimmy’s side and watch the movie while he writes and makes notes on his script. After about 20 minutes Namjoon gets up with his script and walks down the hall.
Five minutes after that he comes back in his coat and his shoes.
“Hyung, i'm going to show Hyde the things I changed on the script. If you need me I wrote her address on a paper in my notebook.”
Rimmy says fixing his clothes straight.
I say and Namjoon nods once before leaving the dorm room with his script.
Everyone turns back to the tv, here and there Hobi flinches or screams because a zombie popped out. Eventually Tae turned around and smacks Hobi’s leg.
“Will you shut up? It’s not that scary.” He whisper yells at Hobi.
Hobi rolls his eyes at Tae
“I said the same thing to you when you and Jinin wouldn't shut up last night.” Hobi snaps at Tae.
“At least my roomie doesn't find toenails in his bed.” Tae sasses, and just like that they start arguing so of course Yoongi, and Jimin jumped in it too while Kook and I just shook our heads.they bickered and bickered and bickered until something caught my attention. The movie was almost over and Rimmy wasn't back yet.
“Hey guys... i’m going out to find Rimmy.”
I mumble getting off of the couch, I go to Rimmy’s room and flip through his notebook until i find what looks like an address, I rip out the page. I grab my coat and my shoes then I rush out of the door.
When I get to the parking lot my car is still there which means Rimmy either took his own car are got a driver, I take my car key from my coat pocket and get in my car. Once in my car I type the address into my gps and pull out of the parking lot. As I am driving I can't help but think the worst has happened, I think about how maybe he got in a car accident or maybe he stopped to get gas and someone mugged him, or even maybe he was taken. I drive fast down the streets following the directions until I come to my destination. I park in front of this big house that looks both modern and delicate. Hopping out of my car I rush up to the door of the house, when I go to knock the door creaks open just enough, wondering if everything was alright I push the door open the rest of the way.
“H-Hello? Is anyone here?”
I call out and step tentatively into the house, inside there’s a door to my left that looks like it could be a coat closet to my right there’s a short wall then a doorway that looks like it could be to a living room. I walk just a little further into the house, just enough for me to see around that corner. But once I see I immediately regret it, right away tears start to roll down my cheeks and I can’t believe what i’m seeing.
“R-Rimmy…” I stutter and cover my mouth, this view is just too graphic and too painful for me to see.
I see Hyde on a short black backless lace dress straddling a half naked Namjoon, she’s got her hands on his chest and she’s grinding on him like crazy. When I look at Namjoon he’s dragging his hands all over her body as he groans.
“H-How could you! How could you do this to me!” I shout and turn to make my way out of the door.
“J-Jin..” I hear Rimmy groan making my tears come faster. I couldn't run from that house fast enough.

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